Your Work Shall Be Rewarded

No. 2.
YEA, even in this life, God allows His servants sometimes to reap a grain of the future harvest. I am quite sure whatever little service is done with a single eye to God’s glory it has its reward. Scores of times, even in my own uneventful life, have I learned this. But, mind you that it be a single-eyed motive for His sake and His alone, although the circumstance at the time may appear to be just part of the day’s work.
Now, how little I expected to hear of blessing on my work just that May day in 1909 when I went to order coal at one of the stores on the Queen Street road—down over those steps before the great fire which burnt out Sharp’s timber yard and Hibberd and Sully, the wholesale grocers’ depot.
I was returning over the train lines for shunting coal trucks when I heard my name several times repeated, and on looking back I saw a working man, with a beaming countenance, and heard him again say, “Miss Leaky, ma’am, you don’t know me, but I know you. I shall never forget the day when my missus let you come up to me when I was so ill and you prayed God to change my heart. Yes, ma’am, you knelt down by my bed and prayed, and then you talked to me. I am a changed man from that day to this.”
“Thank God,” said I, “and you don’t drink now?”
“No, no, all that is given up; I am a Christian and live to serve God.”
No need for me to say more than that I felt truly humbled that I should, after twenty years or more, hear of and speak to the man I devoutly tried to be made a blessing to in earlier days.
Reader, work while you can with “single eye,” and you too may reap even in this life.
E. P. L.