“The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong…but time and chance happeneth to them all” (Ecclesiastes 9:11).
At first glance this verse might seem hard to understand, but if we think about it, we realize that it is true. The fastest runner does not always win the race, for he may fall, or trip, or get a muscle cramp, or simply run out of energy. Likewise, historical battles have not always been won by the biggest army. Alexander the Great won battles several times when he had the smaller army, because of his superior strategy. Yet in the end, he died at the age of only thirty-two, from an illness.
The Lord orders things in this world, and often has intervened using weather changes, strategy, and other factors to control the outcome of battles. At the same time, even those who were victorious had to remember that they too would die one day, in spite of their success.
How good it is to know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and to know that whatever happens to us in this world, we will spend an eternity with Him forever, because of His suffering and death on Calvary’s cross.