LUKE 19:1-10.LUK 19:1-10
WHAT a wonderful history is that of Zacchæus, "Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold." Whence, we ask, this amazing self sacrifice, this superhuman unselfishness? 'The answer is this, The Lord had called him by name, had singled him out from the crowd to be his host on the day: "Zacchæus," said He, "make haste, and come down; for to-day I must abide at thy house." This it was that subdued him, that changed the whole current and course of his life, that made him a new man Altogether. The Lord had taken possession of his heart, was about to enter his house, and hence he who all, his life had been oppressing the poor, and 'defrauding his neighbor, becomes both a merciful man and a just one: Zacchæus is no longer the same that he was, he is a believer, a disciple of Christ, and being such, can we wonder at aught that he does? No, let us rather wonder that we who know so much more of the Lord's mind than he knew, have so little of the spirit of self sacrifice, of devoted love to the Lord that he had. Alas.! we read the history of Zacchæus, we speak of his faith, his devotedness; we admire and wonder, but who loves the Lord as he loved Him? Who acts like Zacchæus, the publican?