
Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

(mount, sunny). Zion or Sion in its literal and restricted sense was the celebrated mount in Jerusalem, the highest and southernmost or southwesternmost of the city. It was the original hill of the Jebusites (Josh. 15:63). After David became king, he captured it, “the stronghold of Zion,” from the Jebusites, dwelt in the fort there, and greatly enlarged and strengthened its fortifications, calling it “the city of David” (2 Sam. 5:6-9; 1 Chron. 11:5-8). Despite David’s prestige the name of Zion still clung to it (1 Kings 8:1; 2 Kings 19:21,31; 2 Chron. 5:2). The O. T. poets and prophets exalted the word Zion by frequent use and gave it a sacred turn, so that in time it came to type a sacred capital (Psa. 2:6); holy place (Psa. 87:2; 149:2; Isa. 30:19); God’s chosen people (Psa. 51:18; 87:5); the Christian church (Heb. 12:22); the heavenly city (Rev. 14:1).

Concise Bible Dictionary:

This was in reality a part of Jerusalem, being one of the mountains on which Jerusalem was built. Zion is often called “the city of David,” it was where he dwelt (2 Sam. 5:7; 1 Chron. 11:5; Mic. 3:10,12). Which part of Jerusalem was thus designated is now a disputed point: some few contend for the north-west; but most believe it to have been on the south-west, and to have extended farther south than the present wall of the city. It would in this case have been in proximity to the temple on the south-east, which could have been reached by a bridge over the Tyropoeon valley (2 Chron. 5:2). In Psalm 48:2, occur the words “the joy of the whole earth is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.” This has been thought to mean that mount Zion was in the north of the city; but may it not signify that on the north side of Zion is the city of the great King, that is, Jerusalem? The psalm is clearly millennial. Zion, having failed as a part of Jerusalem, was to be plowed as a field which is still its condition (Mic. 3:12).
The term Zion has constantly in scripture a metaphorical sense. It represents the intervention of sovereign grace in the person of God’s elect king, when Israel were utterly helpless, and the ark had been given into the hands of the enemy. The ark was brought by David to the city of David, and this may have led to Zion being regarded as the center of blessing, and as a source from whence blessing proceeded, as it often is in the Psalms (Psa. 87:2; Psa. 149:2; etc). The favored people of God are often spoken of as DAUGHTERS OF ZION, Israel are constantly thus addressed in the Prophets, whether to be blamed for their waywardness and punished; or to be cheered with the prospect of future prosperity. And in these prophecies of their coming exaltation, Zion is referred to as the seat of the Messiah’s royal power on earth, as in Isaiah 52:1-8; Isaiah 60:14 and Hebrews 12:22. In scripture Zion never means the church: it always signifies blessing on earth, and is specially in connection with Israel, when the ultimate blessing of the nations will be through Israel; nevertheless Christians now enter into its spiritual import as being under the reign of grace while here on earth.

Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:

the same (regularly) as 6725; Tsijon (as a permanent capital), a mountain of Jerusalem
KJV Usage:

Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:

parched place

Potts’ Bible Proper Names:

Very dry; monument raised up; sunny; guiding; spiritual illumination:―a mountain of Jerusalem [SION], 2 Sam. 5:7. {Valde siccus}