
Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

A daughter of Reuel or Jethro, whom Moses married (Ex. 2:16-22; 4:25; 18:2-4).

Concise Bible Dictionary:

Daughter of Reuel, or Jethro, and wife of Moses. Apparently she circumcised her second son, and declared that Moses was “a husband of blood” to her. She had been sent back during the tribulation and deliverance of Israel, and then was brought by Jethro with her two sons to Moses. Jethro is a type of the Gentile rejoicing in the deliverance of Israel, and bringing back the loved remnant thereof in the last days (Ex. 2:21; Ex. 4:25; Ex. 18:2).

Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:

feminine of 6833; bird; Tsipporah, Moses' wife
KJV Usage:

Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:

a sparrow

Potts’ Bible Proper Names:

A little bird; a sparrow; a mourning; trumpet:―wife of Moses [ZIPPOR], Exod. 2:21. {Avicula}