"A Ransom for All"

(Tune― “Christ Returneth.”―S.S. & S.. 324.)
“A RANSOM for all!” Hear the marvelous story
Of Jesus, the Saviour, who came from the glory,
The lost to redeem, and God’s children to gather,
By suffering, and death on the tree.
Sing! “A ransom for all,”
Sweet fruit of the Saviour’s loud call―
“It is finished!” Hallelujah!
Jesus died on the tree―
“Died for all”―hence for me.
While here upon earth―then e’en welcoming any―
His life Jesus promised, “a ransom for many,”
But now that His work of redemption’s accomplished,
The Spirit declares ‘tis “for all.
The dear Saviour’s blood, all-atoning in value,
To God has been offered, and hence there is for you
A plenary pardon, a priceless salvation,
Which Jesus now offers to thee.
“Deliver” the captive, “for I’ve found a ransom,”
God says now, with joy, as He sends out the welcome,
That calls forth the prisoner, from sin’s chains of bondage,
To taste the sweet joys of the free.
O captive of Satan, since Jesus hatch suffered
“The Just for the unjust”―thy freedom is offered
Delay then no longer, but rest on the ransom
He graciously paid down for thee.
W. T. P. W.