Glad Tidings.

Tune― “Once for All.” S.S. & S., No. 11.
HEAR the glad tidings, told from the glory,
Jesus has died, oh, wonderful story!
Shedding His blood, atonement He made,
Dying, the ransom fully paid.
Christ died for sinners, oh, love unbounded!
None who e’er trust Him shall be confounded;
Precious His blood, which cleanseth from sin,
Making the vilest white and clean.
God loved the world, and His own Son gave us;
Christ on the cross once suffered to save us:
Bearing our sins on Calvary’s tree,
God’s claims there meeting, hence we’re free.
Risen again, on high now He liveth;
Blessed assurance God to all giveth
Who now believe on Jesus the Lord,
Trusting His faithful, and sure word.
Precious His Name, all names it excelleth,
From glory bright His worth God now telleth;
JESUS IS LORD, to Him all must bow,
Each tongue confessing― “LORD ART THOU.”
All who believe in Christ are accepted,
Fearless they wait His coming expected,
Then rapt to glory Jesus they’ll meet,
Worshipping ever at His feet.
E. E. N.