
ALONE He came from Thee; the, only One
Who could Thyself and Thy full name declare;
Came to this scene of woe, — “the Son of man
Strong for Thyself,” Himself Thine arm made bare.
He came to conquer—to thy Name to win
The glory sullied by the blight of sin.
Alone He came, alone He walked below,
Apart from sinners, undefiled and pure,
To magnify Thy law, meet all its claims,
Then bear the judgment, in time’s darkest hour.
Alone He trod the earth, the only One
In Whom was Thy delight, — Thy well-loved Son.
Alone in all His life; alone in death,
There on the cross the spotless victim slain,
Shrouded in darkness from the eye of man,
The sacrifice to meet sin’s foulest stain.
Alone upon the tree, for Thou didst hide
Thy face from Him, when He for sinners died.
Alone in all the judgment. Who that woe
In its enormity could ever share?
He drained the cup Thy justice meted out,
And overcame, in love beyond compare.
He died alone, the corn of wheat from heaven,
To bring to glory sons whom Thou hadst given.
Alone; and still alone. The first-fruit sheaf
In its excelling beauty waved on high,
Risen, ascended, filling with delight
Thy heart, O God! and all to Thee brought nigh.
Alone a little while, gone on before,
The pledge of that which Thou hast kept in store.
No more alone on that bright, joyful day,
When He the “travail of His soul” shall see,
When “many sons” (the fruit of all His woe)
He shall present in Thine own house to Thee,
Accepted in His worth, and one with Him;
Made like Him too, in glory naught can dim.
In spirit now that blessed place is ours;
Through Him e’en here we are to Thee made nigh
But then more fully shall we prove His power,
Conformed completely to Himself on high,
To share His joy, Thy joy, Thy home above,
Forever one in that abode of love!