Condemned Already

What! before the day of judgment, now in this lifetime, now in the midst of this world’s gaiety and religion, now while at peace and in quiet, smoothly enjoying life, now already before the day of grace has ended? Surely not? Yes; condemned already!
But why? Because the sins are so black— so deeply dyed? The value of His atoning sacrifice forbids our answering Yes, and it is written of all believers, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” ALL sin means all every sin. Not one is left out, none is too vile, too deeply ingrained, for His blood to cleanse; yes, and to cleanse after such a manner that the very light of God shall but show by its shining the perfection of the cleansing. Whiter than snow, whiter than the pure snow fallen fresh from heaven on the mountain top whereon shines the noonday sun. How then can a sinner be condemned already? Lay the reason to heart, it is a solemn one indeed. “Because he hath not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God.” He has not believed in the Sent One of God, the sacrifice for sin, the ever-blessed Saviour. To disobey Christ, in not believing on His Name, is willfully, deliberately to be one’s own destroyer for eternity.
Once more let us hearken to the Lord’s words. He tells us why men do not believe — why they are condemned already.