The Story of Wee John.

WEE John was only just over four years of age, but his young life showed that he knew the Lord. He had learned by word and example of the Lord Jesus, whom he was taught to love and obey, and the little boy loved the Lord much. He would join heartily in singing, and often would he sing alone of Jesus and His love in dying for us. And on certain occasions he would be heard to exclaim, “I’ll get to heaven and be with Jesus.”
His parents, and those who knew him, will not soon forget his bright face when singing the following verses―
“I will sing of my Redeemer,
And His wondrous love to me:
On the cruel cross He suffered,
From the curse to set me free.
“Sing, oh, sing of my Redeemer;
With His blood He purchased me:
On the cross He sealed my pardon —
Paid the debt, and made me free.”
But John fell ill. He and two sisters were all unwell together, and continued to be ailing for two or three weeks. When nearly recovered, they waited anxiously for liberty to get out and enjoy themselves in the garden. The weather was fine, but cold, and it was found that they had had a slight attack of a serious sickness, and now having caught cold, they were in great danger. The sisters got well, but wee John grew worse. The doctors did all they could to remove the trouble, still he got worse and worse; and at last, when all was done that could be done, there rained little hope of his getting better.
The day before he passed away, when suffering much, on hearing one repeat this verse―
“Who is He, in deep distress, Fasting in the wilderness?”
John said, “Yes; it’s Him, it’s Him: He is the King of Glory!”
In the night he was very weary, and wanted rest. He had suffered much, and had borne his pain with patience; and, thinking if his mother went to bed, it would make her better, he begged her to do so. But in all his trouble, when a word was spoken about Jesus, though worn out with pain and fatigue, the dear child at once would respond to the very last, and say, “Yes, it is Jesus; I love Jesus.” After a few more hours’ suffering, exhausted and worn out, Jesus put wee John to sleep.
Dear young reader, how would it be with you, if you were thus taken away? Are you ready? John was young and tender, yet he loved the Lord, who loves all His own. Do you love the Lord? You may say, “I am older than John;” then all the more need for you to trust the Lord, who “came to save that which was lost.” He loves little children, and said, “for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Trust in Him, for He died to redeem us, and His precious blood was shed to cleanse from all sin. D. D.