Day 121 - Hosea 8

Hosea 8  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
He continues to plead with the people. Much instruction is here for us too.
V.2 Do we say “Yes I know God”? And all the time the Lord sees our thoughts. This is why so many believers have little peace in their heart.
V.4 Idols are the cause of our weakness. Anything which comes between the Lord and us is an idol.
V.11 Notice the words “altars to sin.” This plainly tells us that this is not immorality, but religious disobedience. An altar was for worship. Everything was in the name of religion.
V.12 They were so careless that they did not understand. To disobey the Lord in religious things is even worse than immorality, because it is sin against the Lord Himself! People decide the seriousness of sin by how it affects other people. God decides the seriousness of sin by how it affects Christ.
V.14 People may build many buildings to come to worship God, as they say, but notice what God says. It is the heart that God wants. In these chapters, remember that when Ephraim is spoken of it is referring to the 10 separated tribes. When it is Israel, it is all the 12 tribes, seen as one. When it is Judah, it is just Judah and Benjamin — the two which are back in the land now.