Day 144 - Luke 7

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
V.1-10 The Roman officer, the centurion, believes that Jesus could heal his servant; taking a humble attitude, he approaches Jesus through the Jews. The message is beautiful. Like saying to Jesus, “Servants are at my bidding, but diseases are at yours.” Look at the result!
V.11-17 He not only can heal the sick, He can also raise the dead. Notice verse 15, that the mother was a lonely widow, the Lord did not raise the young man so that he would be His servant, but tenderly turns the raised up young man to his mother.
V.19-30 John, that faithful messenger, is in prison and he hears of the miracles which the Lord is doing. No doubt he wondered why the Lord did not open the prison doors and let him out, and so he sends messengers to find out if the Lord is truly the One who should come. John had said “Behold the Lamb of God” (John 1:3636And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God! (John 1:36)) but being in prison was too much for John. The Lord sends them back to tell John not to be offended. Do you see Him answering the prayers of others, and seeming to forget you? He knows where you are, and what you may be suffering, and some day we will understand.
V.36-50 Who received forgiveness and blessing? A poor sinful woman, who bowed, weeping at His blessed feet. And who missed it all? The proud Pharisee who could quickly point out a sinner, but not point to himself as one. It was not her love, but her faith which saved her.