11. Jesus, the Lord, Is Risen

by T. Haweis, 1792
Jesus, the Lord, is risen
Triumphant o’er the grave;
For us He burst the prison,
Almighty now to save:
Captivity is captive led,
Since Jesus liveth that was dead.
Who to our charge shall lay
Iniquity or guilt?
Our sin is done away
Since Jesus’ blood was spilt.
Captivity is captive led,
Since Jesus liveth that was dead.
Who now accuseth them
Whom God hath justified?
Or who shall those condemn
For whom the Surety died?
Captivity is captive led,
Since Jesus liveth that was dead.
Christ hath the ransom paid,
The wondrous work is done;
On Him our help is laid,
The victory is won.
Captivity is captive led,
Since Jesus liveth that was dead.
“Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” (1 Timothy 2:6)
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