329. A Little Lamb Went Straying
A little lamb went straying
Leaving its faithful shepherd,
Because it loved to stray.
And while the sun shone brightly,
It knew no thought of fear,
For flowers around were blooming,
But night came over quickly,
The sun soon ceased its shining,
All dark and dismal grew.
The little lamb stood bleating,
And well indeed it might,
So far from home and shepherd,
But, ah! the faithful shepherd
Soon missed the little thing,
And onward went to seek it,
He sought on hill and valley,
And called it by its name:
He sought, nor ceased his seeking,
Then to his gentle bosom
The little lamb he pressed,
And on his shoulders bore it,
The little lamb was happy
The shepherd, too, was joyful,
Because his lamb he bore.
And now, dear little children,
A Shepherd’s up on high,
Who came to seek the straying,
For sin each lamb had ruined,
And far from God had led;
But oh! what love unbounded!
He suffered in their stead.