A Youth's Letter

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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DEAR BOYS AND GIRLS,— I was afraid once, as are many, that my companions would laugh at me, were I on the Lord's side, and they would say, " Johnny has got converted." Satan, too, tried hard to keep me back, by suggesting that I should have to go about with a solemn face, and say " good-bye " to happiness, if I became a Christian when a boy. But no one is truly happy until he knows Jesus as his Savior. Satan does not care what he says, so long as he can keep boys and girls away from Jesus.
Do not let him deceive you. I put off coming to Jesus many times, until I became afraid of putting off any longer. I heard Christians saying, “Jesus is coming again to take all who trust in Him away from the earth to heaven," and I trembled to think what would happen to me if I should be unsaved when He came. I dreaded lest I should perish, and be cast into hell.
One night I did come to Jesus. I was very anxious, afraid to go to sleep, dreading lest I should never have another chance. It was to me the moment of decision. My soul was at stake. Whom should I serve— the Lord or Satan? What should I choose—the world's enjoyments, the broad road which leadeth to destruction, or the narrow way that leadeth to life? Thank God, by His grace, I chose the latter. On my knees before Him, unable to say or do anything, utterly lost, I decided there and then for Christ. And He saved me. It was not my good works, feelings, or prayers—no, but Jesus only.
“Only trust Him, only trust Him,
And He will save you now."
The Lord says, "He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life." (John 5:24.) He that believeth—not feeleth or doeth. How simple it is!
That night I heard and believed, and I had everlasting life. I passed from death unto life. Jesus is my Savior, “who loved me, and gave Himself for me.''
He not only saves, He keeps. Some, both young and old, think they are not able to keep their soul's salvation. No, certainly not; but Jesus can and does. He says, " I give unto them eternal life, neither shall anyone pluck them out of My hand." How safe we are!
I hope you will not be wearied by my long letter. May we all be gathered together, one day, around the throne of God in glory.
Your loving friend,