Word of Exhortation

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WE trust that our Christian readers will be more days go on, in circulating the ever blessed truths of the gospel of God to man. The good news of God to man! Think over it. “Good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." Yes, the Son of God has come to this earth, and a Savior He is for sinful men. Nothing man could do against Him could possibly stop the flowing river of His love. On, on it sped. Neither the shame nor the rejection, neither the cross nor His sufferings, could stay His love to sinners.
We, fellow Christians, are privileged to speak, to write, to distribute the words of love about Him. The angels who uttered the glorious words, " Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people," having delivered their message, went back to heaven with the accompanying heavenly host. God has not permitted even His holy angels to be the servants of His gospel, He has entrusted this work to His redeemed people. When our hearts are full of the good tidings of great joy we are hearty indeed in its service.
We feel the need of stirring one another up to renewed joyful effort. On very many hands we hear that gospel energy is not so vigorous as was once the case. Certainly, in a variety of quarters, there is not the heart for circulating gospel truth there formerly was. Also, there is a growing taste for papers and sermons, mottoes and cards, which, by neatly leaving out the very kernel of the truth, "do not wound susceptibilities"? Let us not go to war with empty scabbards, or weapons made expressly not to hurt anyone. Since our Lord bled and died, His pains and blood declare the depths of our sins, the need of atonement, and perfect salvation. Which shall it be with us, the fear of displeasing God, or of displeasing man? If we shrink from speaking the truth of the gospel, we shall displease God. To make light of Christ's atonement is to trifle with God and His Son, and with the Holy Spirit. Yet men will frequently refuse to announce the truths of the divine word, lest by so doing they should cause offence to their neighbors! And very frequently a result of this fear, or this pandering to the cheering, is that the offender joins the ranks of the foes to the truth.
The great fundamental realities of the gospel require to be announced on every side, and in the most forcible, as well as in the most loving way. Let us be up and doing the little while that remains for labor, for the night cometh when no man can work.