Willie's Faith

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
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I WAS staying with some relations 'in Lancashire, where were two little boys, Willie and Frank. One day I took out a coin from my pocket, and offered it to Frank, who is the elder of the two. He looked at it wistfully, and, though he wished to have it, said “No " to my offer.
So I offered the little gift to Willie, who took it at once, and was very happy, I assure you, to have the treasure.
Frank was very disappointed, but it was his own fault, for he had refused the offer. Perhaps he was shy. However, he had not sufficient confidence in me to take that which I held out to him.
There seemed quite a little parable in this incident, so I have written it down for the young readers of FAITHFUL WORDS. God is holding out to you a gift. Oh! such a gift! The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. How will you treat God? Do not say, as did a little girl to whom I was speaking one day, “No, not now," but close now with the gracious offer of God.
Tomorrow may be too late. Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation. Now, this day, salvation is presented to you by God in His wonderful love. Receive the grace offered, and you shall be happy indeed.