
Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

(whom God helps). (1) Grandson of Zadok (1 Kings 4:2; 1 Chron. 6:9). (2) A chief of officer under Solomon (1 Kings 4:5). (3) Tenth king of Judah, commonly called Uzziah (2 Kings 14:21; 15:1-27; 1 Chron. 3:12). (4) A son of Ethan (1 Chron. 2:8). (5) A son of Jehu (1 Chron. 2:38-39). (6) A high priest under Abijah and Asa (1 Chron. 6:10). (7) A wrongly inserted name (1 Chron. 6:13). (8) An ancestor of Samuel (1 Chron. 6:36). (9) A prophet in Asa’s reign (2 Chron. 15:1). (10) Son of King Jehoshaphat (2 Chron. 21:2). (11) Another son of Jehoshaphat (2 Chron. 21:2). (12) For Ahaziah (2 Chron. 22:6). (13) A captain of Judah (2 Chron. 23:1). (14) High priest in reign of Uzziah (2 Chron. 26:17-20). (15) A captain of Ephraim in reign of Ahaz (2 Chron. 28:12). (16) A Levite (2 Chron. 29:12). (17) Another Levite (2 Chron. 29:12). (18) High priest in time of Hezekiah (2 Chron. 31:10-13). (19) One who helped to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (Neh. 3:23-24). (20) Leader of a returned family (Neh. 7:7). (21) A Levite who helped Ezra (Neh. 8:7). (22) A co-covenanter with Nehemiah (Neh. 10:2). (23) Jezaniah (Jer. 43:2). (24) Hebrew name of Abed-nego (Dan. 1:6).

Concise Bible Dictionary:

A name common in the priestly family especially of Eleazar.
1. Descendant of Zadok (1 Kings 4:2).
2. Son of Nathan, over the officers (1 Kings 4:5).
3. Son of Amaziah king of Judah. See UZZIAH.
4. Son of Ethan, descendant of Judah (1 Chron. 2:8).
5. Son of Jehu (1 Chron. 2:38-39).
6. Son of Ahimaaz and grandson of Zadok (1 Chron. 6:9).
7. Son of Johanan, descendant of Zadok, apparently the first high priest who ministered in Solomon’s temple (1 Chron. 6:10-11).
8. Son of Hilkiah the high priest in the time of Josiah (1 Chron. 6:13-14; 1 Chron. 9:11; Ezra 7:1).
9. Son of Zephaniah, descendant of Kohath (1 Chron. 6:36).
10. Prophet, son of Oded, sent by God to encourage Asa to seek the Lord (2 Chron. 15:1).
11-12. Two of the sons of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah (2 Chron. 21:2).
13. Son of Jehoram (2 Chron. 22:6): also called AHAZIAH, q. v.
14-15. Two of the captains who aided Jehoiada to place Joash on the throne (2 Chron. 23:1).
16. The high priest who hindered Uzziah king of Judah from burning incense in the temple (2 Chron. 26:17, 20).
17. One of the “heads” of the tribe of Ephraim who objected to the bringing into Samaria the captives from Judah (2 Chron. 28:12).
18. Father of Joel, a Kohathite (2 Chron. 29:12).
19. Son of Jehalelel, a Merarite (2 Chron. 29:12).
20. Priest of the family of Zadok in the time of Hezekiah (2 Chron. 31:10).
21. One mentioned in the genealogy of Ezra (Ezra 7:3).
22. Son of Maaseiah: he repaired a portion of the wall of Jerusalem (Neh. 3:23-24).
23. One who returned from exile (Neh. 7:7): supposed, as in the margin, to be the same as SERAIAH in Ezra 2:2.
24. One who assisted in the reading of the law under Ezra (Neh. 8:7).
25. One of the priests who sealed the covenant (Neh. 10:2).
26. A prince of Judah who took part in the procession when the wall of Jerusalem was to be purified (Neh. 12:33).
27. Son of Hoshaiah: he charged Jeremiah with prophesying falsely (Jer. 43:2).
28. One carried away with Daniel to Babylon, probably of the seed royal: his name was changed to ABED-NEGO (See Dan. 1:6-19; Dan. 2:17).

Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:

or mAzaryahuw {az-ar-yaw'-hoo}; from 5826 and 3050; Jah has helped; Azarjah, the name of nineteen Israelites
KJV Usage:

Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:

helped of Jah (Jehovah)

Potts’ Bible Proper Names:

God assisted; Jah has helped:―the name of nineteen Israelites, 1 Chron. 6:36. {Opitulatus est Deus}