Bethesda and Principles; Common Humiliation

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I know nothing of communion entered into with those from whom I was separated. Would to God this were restored, but it must be on true and solid ground. I could humble myself that it was lost, and not exclude those who could really enter on this ground, but I do not think that humbling ourselves that a thing is lost, is saying that it is there. The moment the meeting seemed to lose the character of humiliation, though keeping its form, but that it was practically spent, and began in spirit to turn into intercession, it was closed. The whole thing I believe was blessed, though doubtless imperfect, and was and will be the channel of blessing. Instead of thinking it puts me or any one who really entered it on false ground as to evil I am not personally mixed up with, I think and feel distinctly it puts me and them on much truer.
There is a ground taken by some, that is simply—Bethesda is wrong and we are righteous. This ground, though not doubting the least as to the evil at B., as to which I feel clearer than ever, I reject altogether. I can quite understand difficulties as to the meeting, and in the fullest way respect conscience as to them. One beloved brother who felt them, came and took part; another who much desired it and came, did not attend, because he could not explain himself as to it. All this conscience, instead of blaming, I am thoroughly glad of, and can understand—having had in it to seek to meet conscience—the difficulties felt, for I found them, though I think through grace we found our way through them. It certainly met the common need; there were twice the number of brethren I looked for. I fully trust there will be blessing. I believe grace was in action towards others, but I have no consciousness of having given up a single principle I have. The ground taken by a very few I do not take. At any rate, it has been so far light as to bring out the thoughts of all hearts.
Ever affectionately yours.
I feel that humiliation of self was a primary need of the soul and primary claim of God. To do it on the bare ground of righteousness, whatever particular evil I might judge, seems to me to deny it.
July 27th, 1852.