+ carpenter, gallows, helve, + pine, plank, staff, stalk, stick, stock, timber, tree, wood
“Carpenter” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(cart-wright). Carpentry an early art (Gen. 6:14-16; Ex. 25:23; 27:1-15. David and Solomon employed foreign woodworkers (2 Sam. 5:11; 1 Kings 5:6). Joseph a carpenter (Matt. 13:55); and Christ (Mark 6:3).
“Stocks” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(sticks). Tree-trunks (Job 14:8); idols (Jer. 2:27); instruments of punishment made of beams of wood which closed over the arms or ankles (Job 13:27; 33:11; Jer. 20:2; Acts 16:24).
“Carpenter” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
Of interest to the Christian in that the Lord was not only called “the carpenter’s son,” but also “the carpenter” (Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3), which implies that He actually worked as an artizan before He began His heavenly Father’s “business,” for which He specially came into the world. It demonstrates the real manhood He had taken in grace.
“Helve” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
Handle, as of an ax (Deut. 19:5).
“Stocks” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
Various words are used for these instruments of punishment.
1. mahpecheth, a wooden frame in which the feet, hands, and neck of a person were so fastened that his body was kept bent. Jeremiah was subjected to this punishment (Jer. 20:2-3).
2. sad, stocks in which the feet were shut up (Job 13:27; Job 33:11; Acts 16:24—ξύλον).
3. tsinoq, stocks which confined the hands and the feet (Jer. 29:26).
4. ekes, “a fetter or ancle-band” (Prov. 7:22).
“Wood” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
from 6095; a tree (from its firmness); hence, wood (plural sticks)
KJV Usage:
+ carpenter, gallows, helve, + pine, plank, staff, stalk, stick, stock, timber, tree, wood