Deuteronomy 22:11-23:8
We have been speaking of our homes, our service to the Lord, our business, and the partnerships of life, and we now come a little closer to the very nearest associations, typified in the garments. The children of Israel must not wear a garment of woolen and linen. This came close enough to touch the very skin! There was to be no mixture of things here, and so we need to be pure in that which is nearest and dearest to us. In the very secret of our lives we are to watch against the little things that would rob of us of communion with God. The Scripture says, “Thou hast set ... our secret sins in the light of Thy countenance” (Psalm 90:8). Let us learn to walk before God in the secret of our lives, for as another has said, “If we judge the little things others do not see, we will not have to judge the greater things they can see.”
Heavenly People
The children of Israel were also to have a fringe, or ribbon of blue, upon their garments. Blue is the heavenly color, and this would remind us that wherever we go, between us and the earth there is to be the constant reminder that we are a heavenly people. In everything we do there is to be the character of God our Father manifested. It is just like the boys and girls wearing their school colors; they show they belong to the school, and so we who belong to the Lord are to wear our heavenly colors, and act like heavenly people.
Guarding Against Sin
We see how God guarded His people against slander and the spreading of false reports. It is a serious thing to raise a slanderous untrue report, or to pass it on when we hear it. The man who raised the evil report was to be publicly punished and fined for what he had done. Truly, “whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue, keepeth his soul from troubles” (Proverbs 21:23). If, however, the thing he said was true, the punishment was to fall upon the evil doer. There is never to be indifference to evil among the people of God, but how wonderful the provisions of grace in Christianity, for all our failures and sins.
We find in the verses that follow the most solemn warnings against moral corruption; and the sanctity of the marriage tie is carefully guarded. There is so much lightness about marriage in these days, that we, as Christians, need to be warned against the spirit of the age in which we live. God’s Word says, “Fools make a mock at sin” (Proverbs 14:9). Let us be on guard against bad books, and not listen to evil jokes that are being told on every hand, for “when lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin” (James 1:15). If we listen, we are sure to be defiled, and perhaps laugh, bringing dishonor upon our blessed Lord.
The people were to exercise care as to who was received into the congregation of the Lord, because the Lord dwelt among them. There were those whose background made their sincerity questionable, and there was to be no hurry in receiving such, until full proof was given of their uprightness. They were to make a difference between those who had continually opposed the people of God, and those from whom they had once received kindness. Moreover, they were not to abhor the children of Edom, for they were their brethren.
Further Meditations
1. How did God guard His people against slander and the spreading of false reports?
2. What are some of the dangers that come from listening to filthy jokes? How do Ephesians 5:4 and Romans 1:32 tell us more about this subject?
3. Search for “foolish talking” and you’ll find many articles that give more insight into this all too common practice.