We must pray the Lord of the harvest that He may send forth laborers into His harvest. In this matter we have never had more than just our heads above water. It is more devotedness which is lacking. There are-I know it to be the case-brothers who would be more useful in the work, if only they were more devoted. They are absorbed by something else, and this not only distracts them from the work, but when they do set themselves to it, there is not that maturity, that furnished condition of soul, that knowledge of hearts, and of the way in which the word suits itself to their needs, which gives value to ministry. (See 1 Tim. 4:15.) It is not that one might not, if one were to keep quietly in one place, be busy about some occupation, manual or otherwise; Paul was so indeed;-but let the heart be in the work, not in a worldly object... _
Everywhere, spite of the general confusion, where a positive gospel, a gospel of full grace, is preached, there are listeners. We have a kingdom which cannot be shaken. Things not seen seem to me more real than they have ever been, as in like manner does the revelation of grace in the life of the Lord here below; the pains which He takes to assure us of His love, the way in which He puts us in the same relationship as Himself with His Father, while the Holy Spirit at the same time always presents Him to us as Son of God, in the dignity of His Person: divine knowledge, divine power over creation (Matt. 17:24-27), but at the same time "us," "me and thee."
In Matt. 3 we have the pattern of our place through redemption; but does Jesus look above, and is He changed into the likeness of what He beholds, from glory to glory? By no means. Heaven opens upon Him to behold Him; and then, "My Father and your Father, my God and your God." This is our bread come down from heaven, and now He has gone back to heaven to prepare a place for us, and we shall see Him as He is, He who has so loved us.
July 24th, 1873.