
 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
The Neighborhood.
It's a stuck-up neighborhood," said Mrs. Iceberg. “No one speaks to anyone else, and everyone thinks he's too swell to associate with the other people on the street."
“It’s a selfish neighborhood," said Mr. Numberone. “They don't want to lend anything, and no one offers to pitch in and help."
“It’s a depressing neighborhood," said Miss Frown. “Nothing pleasant about it. No amusements, nothing to make things cheerful."
“It’s a low-down neighborhood," said Mr. Sneek. “The people in this part of town are no better than they should be. I wouldn't trust one of 'em, not a soul."
“It’s a dreadful bore, this neighborhood," said Mrs. Stupid. “No bright people here, no good conversers, no one up and coming. I'm sick to death of it."
“It’s a perfectly lovely neighborhood," said Mrs. Sunshine. “Everybody’s as kind as can be, and so intelligent, and enterprising, and friendly! Why, I don't believe there's another neighborhood in all the world so fine as ours!"
Bringing Out Beauty.
Who has not picked lovely pebbles from the wave-swept beach and carried them home as great treasures, only to find that when dried they are the most commonplace stones, all their translucent beauty departed and their varied hues sunk in a dull gray? Almost any bit of quartz takes on instant attractiveness when it is wet, but only the finest varieties and most perfect specimens retain that attractiveness when dry. On making this discovery we are likely to throw away our treasure-trove, but the wiser course is simply to place them in a bottle of water. There we have them, perpetual joys, with all their loveliness fresh, limpid, and unfading.
The same thing happens with friendships. The first delight vanishes, the surprise of discovered charms enters the prosy realm of familiarity, the wet quartz has become dry. We are half minded to throw the friendship away as valueless. But there is a wiser course. All it needs is a little watering with thought and care and especially with love. Presto! all its former beauty returns, and our delight returns with it. For there is beauty in every soul, if we will only take the pains to bring it out.