
 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Test Yourself.
You should be able to walk ten miles with ease. Are you? The only way to find out is to try it—not all at once, but see if you can work up to it.
You should be able to enter into conversation with a stranger of your own sex (under suitable circumstances) courteously, agreeably, and profitably. Are you? Try it.
You should be able to entertain company at your own table so that all present will enjoy themselves. Are you? Try it.
You should be able to read a volume of history, biography, essays, or poetry with as much real enjoyment as a novel. Are you? Try it.
You should be able to listen to a sermon, or a lecture on a substantial subject, and carry away the main points so that you can repeat them afterwards. Are you? Try it.
You should have mental resources so that, if left alone for a day, you will be good company for yourself and be happy all day long. Have you? Try it.
You should have grace enough to submit to insult or injustice patiently, put up with crossness serenely, and answer anger with love. Have you? Try it.
You should be able to read your Bible by the book instead of by the chapter or verse, and delight in the reading. Are you? Try it.
You should be able to pray for at least fifteen minutes by the watch (mechanical?—there is no other way of getting at the facts), and still have much left that you want to talk over with your heavenly Father. Are you? Try it.
These all indicate fundamentals of the physical, social, mental, and spiritual life. Have you ever tested yourself in regard to them, strictly and honestly? If not, do it. I dare you!