God's Knowledge of Us.

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
He Always Sees.
King Edward on one of his many official visits was passing by a company of children at Norwich, drawn up to greet him. After His Majesty had gone past, one of the little girls was found by her teacher to be bathed in tears.
“Why are you crying?" asked the teacher. “Didn’t you see the King?"
“Yes," sobbed the little girl, “but, teacher, he didn't see me."
It is not enough for any loving or admiring soul to see the object of its affection and admiration. We want to be loved as well as to love. If there is no response, we may as well have regard for a cold, dead idol as for a human being.
No Christian can read this story of King Edward and his loyal little subject without thinking of what happens when " Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." Our King always sees. Our King always hears. It is not necessary for Bartimus to shout at Him. Zacchæus, though a little man, is discerned among the branches. Even the timid touch of a woman's finger upon the hem of His garment is felt by our King.
“Thou God seest me” is to some a dread-inspiring sentence; to the true lover of Christ it is an ever-springing song of joy.