Genesis, Typically Considered. Chapter 3: Ruin

Genesis 3  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
Judgment—but on Satan, and, connected with fruit here, the curse of present sorrow.
Note.—The present sorrow is not the pronounced judgment, which is not touched upon, it remained in its full force in se.
Note, also, that fallen Eve is the mother of all living; and the Lord clothes with skins, but bars the way of nature, under responsibility in sin, to life.
There is more in it, but Adam gives here a name also to his wife—one of faith and authority, not of relationship with himself, Ishshah - still the mother of all living is a wonderful word, when death had just come in. But they are not yet clothed in divine righteousness, but though in sorrow, their curse to be children, and this he would take up on the judgment of Eve. Children and posterity—yea the bruising of the serpent's head was promised, though in judgment on it, by the woman's seed; but clothing the nakedness gave no return to undying life on earth—eternal life was not, yet revealed, nor incorruptibility—these were brought to light by the Gospel.