Deuteronomy 32:32-47
What a mighty “Rock” the children of Israel had, but, sadly, they forsook Him. They chose to live in ways of sin and willfulness, and to trust in their own wisdom and strength. They wanted their own pleasures and fun apart from God, even though Moses told them that their “grapes were grapes of gall, their clusters were bitter.” And indeed how many today make a similar choice. They want to have their fling in the world, well knowing that the path they are treading can only end in sorrow and bitterness, for the Scripture says that the pleasures of sin are only for a season (Hebrews 11:25). What sorrow and remorse these sins bring, even in this world, as well as eternal loss.
Going on in Sinful Ways
The Lord warned His people that He Himself would deal with them if they went on in sinful ways. Sometimes when trouble comes we would like to blame others, but let us always seek grace to see the Lord’s hand in all that takes place in our lives. No one can say an unkind word about us unless the Lord allows it (2 Samuel 16:10) nor can war break out unless God allows it (Psalm 106:41-42), and even sickness comes from His hand (Deuteronomy 28:59) — always to do us good at our “latter end.” This we can learn from Job in all he passed through. And so here the Lord told them that after they had come to the end of themselves, owned the folly of their own ways, and turned to Him, then He would come in and deliver them. He said He would deal with their enemies and deliver His people, causing their hearts to rejoice again in His goodness.
How often the Lord deals with us in His government, for we are so foolish and willful at times. One feels this especially for those who are young (though we all need it!) for the enemy makes a special attack upon the young, knowing that if he can get them in sinful paths, he can ruin their lives. Sometimes in an unwatchful moment he may lead them to take a false step which will ruin their lives for years to come. That verse is so very important, “O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps” (Jeremiah 10:23). We do not have the wisdom in ourselves to choose a right and safe path for our own feet, but if we turn humbly and dependently to the Lord, He will guide us, for He has promised, “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:6). How good to have such an unfailing guide! May we never try to take a step without Him!
Christ Our Life
Moses then, with Joshua, exhorted the people again to walk in the ways of the Lord for, he said, “It is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life.” Alas, how often the Word of God is repeated and hymns are sung in a vain and thoughtless way. Those who read or sing in this way do it only to salve their consciences, or because they enjoy singing, without meaning it at all. Think of singing,
“Saviour, we long to follow Thee,
Daily Thy cross to bear,”
and then walking out of the meeting to go on in a worldly way with worldly friends, worldly dress, a worldly home, and everything else that savors of seeking after the things of earth. Surely it ought to be, as it says here, our very life, for what else do we have that is worth living for but Christ (Philippians 1:21)?
Further Meditations
1. Why did Moses and Joshua exhort the people to walk in the ways of the Lord?
2. What are some of the dangers of continuing doing a right thing with a wrong motive? How is this problem illustrated in Malachi 1?
3. This chapter refers to worldliness. You can get quite a bit more help from the pamphlet Worldliness: What Does it Mean? taken from the magazine Help and Food.