Wednesday, July 31, 2024
“I [Jesus] am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6).
“If he [Saul of Tarsus] found any of this way … he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem” (Acts 9:2).
“And when Felix heard these things, having more perfect knowledge of that way, he deferred them” (Acts 24:22).
In the early years of Christianity, believers on the Lord Jesus did not at first identify themselves by the name “Christian.” In fact, it was actually worldly people who first used that phrase, for the Word of God tells us that “the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch” (Acts 11:26). People who were not saved wanted some kind of name by which to identify believers, so they called them “Christians,” because they followed the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the beginning, people simply referred to those who believed on the Lord Jesus as following “that way,” and referred to the truth that they believed as “the way.” As time went on, the name Christian became more common, and the expression “the way” was replaced by Christianity.
However, the term “that way” is not a bad one, for as we see in our first verse for today, the Lord Jesus said to His disciples, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He was the way, and the only way, to approach God, and the only way to be saved. When Saul of Tarsus (who became the Apostle Paul later after he was saved) was going out to try and arrest Christians in the city of Damascus, he referred to them as being “of that way.” Even later on in the life of the Apostle Paul, when he had been preaching for many years, the Roman governor Felix still referred to what Paul believed as “that way.” Although they might not have had a specific name for those who believed, yet the truth of the gospel had spread rapidly, and the Roman government knew all about it. Poor Felix listened to the Apostle Paul many times, yet we have no record that he ever accepted Christ as his Savior. It seems that he was more interested in getting money from Paul, rather than hearing how he could have eternal riches.
Now everyone knows what the name “Christian” means, and what “Christianity” means. However, the name is not what is important; it is the truth of Christianity that is important, and to know the One who is “the way, the truth, and the life.”
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Tuesday, July 30, 2024
“Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters … that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things” (Titus 2:9-10).
Paul gave Titus some very clear advice as to very practical things. In fact, we find the phrase “good works” used many times in the book of Titus. Why was this? The Christians on the island of Crete knew the gospel and had believed it. However, they were not very good at acting like Christians, and frequently did things that were not right for Christians to do. Paul told Titus to make sure that they not only believed the gospel, but acted like Christians.
When I was in medical school, we had to study the human skeleton. We had a number of human skeletons available to us, standing up in little closets, so that we could learn the names of the bones, and how they fit together. Those skeletons were not very attractive, and if you were to see one, you might think it was actually ugly. Yet those bones are in all of our bodies, and are very important. They provide a structure on which muscles, fatty tissue, organs such as our heart, liver, kidneys, etc., and finally our skin can be held together.
Good doctrine is like our skeleton. It may not always be pretty by itself, but it is the structure and support on which our Christian life can be built. What then does it mean to adorn the doctrine? It means that even if people do not like the doctrines of Christianity, they ought to be able to see the good works in our lives — things that they can appreciate. These good works are like the soft tissues that cover our skeletons — they are much more pleasing to look at!
It is important to remember this in our everyday lives. We may tell others about the Lord, and we may tell them how to get saved, but it will not mean much unless our lives are “adorning the doctrine.” We need to show the proof of our Christianity to this world.
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Monday, July 29, 2024
“Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” (Matthew 12:34).
When Hudson Taylor was in China, he organized what was called the China Inland Mission. Many young people joined him there, in order to bring the gospel to those who needed to hear it. Hudson Taylor liked to interview personally the young people who volunteered to spend their time in this way, in order to get to know them, and to pass on some advice.
Once he took a young man out to lunch at a restaurant, in order to have a visit with him. In the course of their conversation, Mr. Taylor suddenly brought his fist down hard on the table. As you may imagine, some of the water in their drinking glasses immediately spilled out onto the table. Then Hudson Taylor made his point. He said to the young man, “During your time in China, you will almost surely get many hard knocks. But when this happens, it is what is inside that will spill out, just as with our water glasses.”
It was a good point to be made, for in our lives, even if we do not go to a foreign land, we will likely get some hard knocks. Then what is inside will come out. An older brother used to remind us, ‘Circumstances do not produce our state of soul; they manifest (show it out) it.” He also used to say, “I will never know how closely you walk with the Lord until someone crosses you, and I see how you react.” It is easy to be pleasant and nice when everything is going smoothly, but our true state of soul (what we are really like inside) comes out when things are not going well. But walking with the Lord can give us His peace, which involves accepting our circumstances from the Lord, and taking our problems to the Lord.
The Lord Jesus experienced many hard knocks in His life, and He always reacted in the right way. Sometimes He was gracious, and at other times He reached the consciences of those who were responsible for those hard knocks. But Peter tells us that “when He was reviled, [He] reviled not again; when He suffered, He threatened not; but committed Himself to Him that judgeth righteously” (1 Peter 2:23). He did this as an example for us, and we can ask Him for the grace to act the same way.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

Sunday, July 28, 2024
“Is any happy? Let him sing psalms” (James 5:13 JND).
“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them” (Acts 16:25).
We usually expect people to sing when they are happy. The first recorded singing in the Bible is when the children of Israel had crossed the Red Sea, and were delivered from Pharaoh — the one who treated them cruelly. No doubt they were very happy to be free! Then we find in our first verse today that the Lord tells us, through James, that if we are feeling happy, we are to sing. As I am running errands in stores and other public places, I occasionally hum a tune to myself. Sometimes people overhear it, and say, “You seem very happy today!” We expect people who sing to be happy.
But here in our second verse we find two men singing who were not in a very good situation. They had been falsely accused, publicly beaten in the marketplace, and then imprisoned, with their feet in the stocks. Stocks were usually made of wood, and then locked around the ankles of the prisoner, so that he could not possibly escape. The stocks were sometimes placed in public places, so that the people could see those who were in them, and make fun of them. But these stocks were actually in the prison.
You and I would not feel like singing under those conditions. Their backs were sore and bleeding from the beating they had received, and now they were in prison, not knowing what would happen to them. How could they sing after all that?
They could sing because they were happy in their souls. They knew that the Lord had allowed all this, and that He could deliver them. Then they began to sing in the middle of the night, at midnight. It was probably pitch dark in the prison, but they continued to sing, and the other prisoners heard them. Then the Lord stepped in and did a remarkable thing. He allowed a big earthquake, and it shook the prison so violently that everyone’s stocks came loose, and all the doors opened.
The jailor was about to kill himself, for if the prisoners escaped, he was held responsible. He would likely be executed. But no one had escaped, and that very night the jailor was saved. You can read this story in Acts 16, and how the jailor got saved. Paul and Silas had been badly beaten, but they sang in spite of this, and the jailor got saved. It was worth it!
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Saturday, July 27, 2024
“And as he (Saul of Tarsus) journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: and he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?” (Acts 9:3-4).
“He is a chosen vessel unto Me, to bear My name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel” (Acts 9:15).
The conversion of Saul of Tarsus (afterward the Apostle Paul) is one of the most remarkable events in the whole Bible. Here was a young man who hated the name of the Lord Jesus, and who was the leader among the Jews in seeking to stamp out Christianity. He had already been present when Stephen was stoned (Acts 7), and some time later he was on his way to the city of Damascus to arrest and imprison more believers in the Lord Jesus.
However, the Lord has His eye on that young man. Since Saul had been among those who killed Stephen, one of the brightest and best believers on the Lord Jesus, the Lord seemed to say, “All right; then you, Saul, will come and take his place, and I will make out of you an even greater servant than Stephen.” This is exactly what happened, for the Apostle Paul became the one to whom the Lord gave the special truth of the assembly, from a risen Christ up in heaven.
Can you imagine what it must have been like for Saul to be traveling along, probably on horseback, and then to be struck down by a light so bright that he fell to the earth? Many years later, when he was telling his story, Paul says that the light was “above the brightness of the sun.” As a result of this experience he was blind for three days, and did not eat or drink. But he was truly saved, and immediately began to preach the wonderful truth that Jesus is the Son of God. Paul became a real servant of the Lord, and went on to preach both the gospel and the truth of the assembly.
You and I have not had the kind of experience that Saul of Tarsus had when he was saved. The Lord saved him in a special way, for although he never saw the Lord Jesus while He was on earth, yet he saw Him in heaven on that day when the Lord struck him down on the road to Damascus. Seeing the Lord Jesus in heaven made a big difference to the Apostle Paul’s ministry, for he always thought of the Lord Jesus as risen and up in heaven. But you and I have sinful hearts too, and we need to recognize that our hearts, before we were saved, were no better than Saul’s. We too need a new heart, just as he did. We may not be called to do what Paul did in serving the Lord, but we all have something that the Lord has given us to do.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

Friday, July 26, 2024
“For the Son of Man is come to save that which was lost” (Matthew 18:11).
“It is not the will of your Father … that one of these little ones should perish” (Matthew 18:14).
Perhaps many of you reading this have already memorized today’s first verse, at some time. And maybe you think that a couple of words are left out. Doesn’t it say, “To seek and to save?” Well, it does in Luke 19:10, but here in Matthew it just says, “to save.”
We have one more story from the Titanic. Of course there were lists of all the passengers, and when the survivors were all checked off the lists, they knew right away the names of all those who had drowned. One sad part in the list were the names of a young family from England who were all on their way to Niagara Falls to start a new life — a father, mother, and six children. None of them were rescued. But several days after the disaster, as rescue ships searched the area, they recovered the lifeless body of a little boy floating in the water. There were 109 children traveling on that ship and 53 of them perished.
The rescue ships took all the bodies they found back to the nearest port, which was the city of Halifax in Nova Scotia, Canada. No one knew who the little boy was, as many children were missing. So the sailors buried him in the cemetery there, and put up a marker over his grave, “Unknown child of the Titanic.” For almost 100 years people came to see the various headstones in the cemetery, and many visited this one. As the research into DNA progressed later in the 20th and 21st centuries, researchers were finally able to identify the little boy from a fragment of a bone that was still in his coffin. He was Sidney Leslie Goodwin, the youngest child of Charles and Augusta Goodwin, the family that had been traveling to Niagara Falls.
All this seems so very sad, but do you know that the Lord Jesus always knew whose body was in that grave? And by the time men had figured it out, little Sidney had already been enjoying heaven for almost 100 years!
When little children die before they are able to understand the gospel, and to accept the Lord Jesus as Savior, they have not set their will against God. In these situations, the will of the Father takes over, and they are taken to heaven, for it is not the will of God the Father that one of these little ones should perish. Sadly, as children grow up, many refuse to accept Christ, and end up in a lost eternity.
Those of you who read this cannot claim that you are too young, for if you are old enough to read and understand the gospel, then you are responsible before God. But how beautiful it is to see how God cares for babies and little children who die.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

Thursday, July 25, 2024
“Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?” (Luke 13:2).
In today’s verse, the Lord Jesus was talking to the people around Him when He was here on the earth. We could substitute other people for the word “Galilaeans.” We could say, “Do you think that those on the Titanic were worse sinners than any others, because they suffered in this way?” Jesus went on to say in the next verse, “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise [in the same way] perish” (Luke 13:3). God warns us sometimes by making an example of others, in order to alert us to the danger of neglecting our souls’ salvation.
As the Titanic was preparing to load and sail, my mother’s family were busy packing their cases and belongings to sail from England to North America as well. The Lord allowed that they booked a passage on another ship a few weeks later. At that time my mother was a little girl of two years of age, and she had six older brothers and sisters. They would have travelled 3rd class, and would not have been the ones in the lifeboats! God had His eye on that family and protected them from what would have been almost certain death. They were saved for a purpose. It touches my heart when I think of this, and makes me feel responsible to please the Lord Jesus and tell others about Him.
No, God does not like to punish the people that He made, for He loves them. But sometimes they get very proud and boastful, and forget about Him, while living their lives for their own pleasure. Then He may allow a disaster that speaks to the whole world, as everyone is devastated when they hear of a terrible tragedy. Today we see earthquakes and hurricanes, flooding, droughts, and wars. We should all be listening, and if we know the Lord Jesus, then we can use all these things to tell others about Him — the One who loves them and came to die for them.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
“Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth” (Proverbs 27:1)
April 10, 1912 was a busy day on the docks in Southampton, England. The largest and most luxurious ocean liner in the world was ready to steam out of the harbor, headed for New York City across the Atlantic. Headlines in the newspapers had boasted that the ship was “unsinkable.”
Big cranes swung over the ship, loading all the provisions. There were 40,000 eggs going into the massive kitchen. Five grand pianos were rolled into their places, and a wonderful orchestra had been assembled for entertainment. The passengers were excited. Some were traveling “1st class” and had paid a very large sum of money for their tickets, while others were “2nd class” and many more were “3rd class.” But all expected a pleasant seven-day journey across the Atlantic Ocean.
All the latest technology had gone into the design and building of this ship named the Titanic, but there was something lacking. As the 2,200 passengers and crew took their places on board, they did not know that there were lifeboats for only half that number. And they did not know that God had His eye on that ship, and that it would never reach New York City.
As we wake up each morning, we do not have any idea what may happen during the day ahead of us. But those of us who know the Lord Jesus as our Savior and have been washed from our sins in His precious blood do not need to have any fears. If the Lord Jesus chooses that day to gather me up in His arms and take me home to heaven, then it would still be a good day! A wonderful day, in fact.
Shortly after midnight on April 15th, the Titanic struck an iceberg, and it tore a huge hole in the side of the ship. Within a few hours that massive boat was at the bottom of the ocean. That “unsinkable” ship had sunk! Over two thirds of the people on board perished that night in the icy water. There were many acts of bravery as quite a few of the women and children were put into the lifeboats; 705 people were rescued but 1,500 died that night.
But remember, God never leaves you without a way to escape coming judgment, the way so many of those on the Titanic were left to drown because there were not enough lifeboats. He is offering you a pardon right now. You would not have stood on the deck of that ship that cold night and refused to get into a lifeboat. Do not wait another day to accept God’s offer of a pardon!
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
“When I blow with a trumpet … ye also shall blow the trumpets … and shall say, For Jehovah and for Gideon” (Judges 7:18 JND).
“And the three companies blew the trumpets … and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands … and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon” (Judges 7:20).
By the time that the battle was to be fought, Gideon knew that only the Lord could give him the victory over the Midianites. Gideon had only three hundred men, while the Midianites were “like grasshoppers for multitude” (Judges 7:12). He knew very well that he could not win the battle in his own strength, and the Lord had arranged it this way so that Israel would know that only the Lord had delivered them.
But then Gideon gave his men further instruction. They were to hold lamps in their left hands, and trumpets in their right hands. The lamps were probably torches of fire, burning at the ends of thick sticks of wood. At first the torches were hidden inside pitchers made of clay, but when they blew the trumpets, they were to break the pitchers so that the torches could be seen. Then they were to cry, “For Jehovah and for Gideon.” The men did not use swords, for they already had their hands full. They did not have any hand with which to hold a sword, but they did not need them.
But when the men cried out, they did not say what Gideon told them to say. See our verse for today! Instead they said, “The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.” Gideon had more faith than his men, but the Lord gave them the victory, for all the Midianites fought with each other. Of course the men had swords, and eventually they used them later, but the Lord won the battle without any fighting at all by Gideon and his three hundred men.
In our lives we too are engaged in a spiritual warfare, and we do have a sword — “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17). But sometimes we must simply let the Lord work on our behalf, and if we let our light shine, and witness for the Lord, He will win the battle for us. Then as He should He gets the praise and glory for it.
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Monday, July 22, 2024
“And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people that are with thee are too many … Whosoever is fearful and afraid, let him return … and there returned of the people twenty and two thousand” (Judges 7:2-3).
“And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people are yet too many … by the three hundred men that lapped will I save you” (Judges 7:4, 7).
I am sure most of you have heard the story of Gideon and his three hundred men, and how they defeated a huge army of the Midianites. Perhaps you have sung the song about him in Sunday school — “Brave Gideon had three hundred men, the Midianites had a host,” etc. But at first Gideon had many more than three hundred men — he had 32,000 men. The Lord said that this was too many, and so He told Gideon to tell anyone who was afraid to go home. As a result, 22,000 of his men went home — more than two-thirds of his army.
This is a good lesson for us too. We should be dependent on the Lord, but if we are afraid to face the world and stand up for the Lord, it is better for us not to attempt to serve Him until we have walked with the Lord a little longer, and have learned to go out in His strength. If one person is afraid, he will tend to make others afraid. The Lord had already given these instructions to Israel in the law, telling them that anyone who was afraid should not go out to battle. See if you can find this verse; it is in the book of Deuteronomy.
However, even though Gideon had only 10,000 men now, the Lord said that they were still too many. The Lord told Gideon to test them in an unusual way; you can read about it in Judges 7. He was to take the men to the water to drink. Most of the men got down on their knees to drink directly from the water, while a few scooped up water in their hands and lapped it, like a dog. Then the Lord said that those who scooped up water with their hands should be the ones to go to war — only three hundred men. Why was this?
There was really nothing wrong with getting on their knees to drink, but it is a picture of taking it easy in this world, and enjoying the good things down here. Also, while they were drinking, they could not be on guard. But the ones who scooped up water knew they had work to do, and a battle to fight. They drank quickly, and in a way that allowed them still to be on guard.
This is the way we should treat the good things God gives us in this world. We need things like food, water, clothes, a house to live in, etc., but we should not be thinking so much about those things. We are here to live for the Lord’s glory, and to fight the Lord’s battles as Christians. It is important to be like Gideon’s three hundred men, who took the water quickly, and who then were ready to go out to battle.
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