Monday, December 9, 2024
“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24).
The word worship is used quite often among Christians today, yet many do not really understand what the word means. I have heard people who attend a so-called “church” talk about someone in that “church” that “leads the worship.” Usually this is someone who stands at the front and organizes the songs that are sung, and perhaps directs the music, whether singing by the choir or others playing instruments. I have heard others talk about having a Bible reading together, and sometimes they speak of having “a little worship.” But neither of these is really worship.
Properly speaking, worship is not thanking the Lord for what He has done for us, although true worship may include that. Nor is worship praising the Lord for who He is, in all His majesty and glory, although once again, true worship may include praise. Worship is not really thinking about myself, but rather about God Himself, and His beloved Son the Lord Jesus. We see God as our Father, and the Spirit of God leads us in adoration for the knowledge of this relationship. We see in our verses today that we worship the Father, but we know that the Lord Jesus Christ has revealed the Father.
We also see in our verses that we must worship “in spirit and in truth.” They could not properly do that in the Old Testament, for they were not indwelt by the Holy Spirit back then. The word “worship” is used a number of times in the Old Testament, but it was not “true worship,” for they also did not have the real assurance of their salvation back then. It is only since the Lord Jesus has come and completed His work on the cross that we can truly worship.
It is also important to notice that God is not seeking worship; rather, He is seeking worshipers. But if we are worshipers, then worship will be the result. However, we will not be thinking about our worship (How lovely this hymn sounds! etc.); we will be thinking about the Lord Himself.
We can worship the Lord as individuals, but worship is more properly connected with our coming together to remember the Lord, as He has asked us to do. His Spirit is then free to lead out our hearts in worship, as we realize our relationship with God as Father, and how the Lord Jesus has brought us into that relationship.
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Growing in Grace Blog by Bible Truth Publishers

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