Positive, direct suffering from God is for sin; from man it is for righteousness. Christ suffered for sins that we never might [have to suffer for them]. We are healed by, not partakers of, His stripes. What Christ has suffered from the forsaking of God as the consequence of sin He has suffered alone, and exactly, as to us, with the object that we never should taste one drop of that dreadful, bitter and to us—insupportable cup. Were we to drink it, we must do so as condemned sinners.
But in the sufferings of Christ for righteousness, and in those which were caused to Him through His work of love, we are feeble as our faith is to have a part. To us it is given, not only to believe on, but also to suffer for His name (Phil. 1:29). If we suffer with Him, we shall reign with Him (2 Tim. 2:12). If we suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are we (1 Peter 3:14), and yet more blessed if we suffer for His name the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon us (1 Peter 4:14).
We can rejoice that we are partakers of His sufferings, that when His glory shall be revealed, we may be glad with exceeding joy (1 Peter 4:13). The suffering for righteousness and for Christ, I may remark in passing, are distinguished by the Lord Himself (Matt. 5:10-11) and by Peter (1 Peter 2:20; 3:17; 4:14).
J. N. Darby