Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(haste). A friend of David (2 Sam. 15:32; 1 Kings 4:16).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
Friend and counselor of David, who, by returning to Jerusalem at the revolt of Absalom, was able to frustrate the advice given by Ahithophel, and thus give David time to escape, and arrange his army for the war. He is called an Archite (2 Sam. 15:32,37; 2 Sam. 16:16-18; 2 Sam. 17:5-15; 1 Kings 4:16; 1 Chron. 27:33).
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
from 2363; hasty; Chushai, an Israelite
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
my hastenings
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Haste of the Lord:―an Archite, a friend of David, 2 Sam. 15:32. {Festinatio Domini}