I Will Guide Thee With Mine Eye

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
(Psa. 32:8-9)
When there is anything in which the will of man is at work, the Lord deals with us, as with the horse or mule, holding us in. When every part of the heart is in contact with Himself, He guides with “His eye.”
Suppose I set about doing a thing, and meet with difficulties, I shall begin to be uncertain as to whether it is God’s mind or not: and hence there will be feebleness and discouragement. But, on the other hand, if acting in the intelligence of God’s mind, in communion, I shall be “more than conqueror” (Rom. 8:37), whatever may meet me by the way.
Your wills being subject to Mine, He says, “I will guide thee with mine eye.” (Psa. 32:8.)
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If I have spiritual understanding about a given thing, it may be the result of a great deal of previous prayer, and not necessarily of the things having been prayed about at the time. One has often had to pray about a thing because not in communion.
I may have my mind exercised about that today, honestly, truly, graciously exercised, which, five years hence it might be, I should not have a doubt about.
Many speak of Providence as a guide. Providence does sometimes control, but it never, properly speaking, guides us—it guides things.