lady, princess, queen

Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

(woman). The three Hebrew words so rendered imply a queen-regnant, queen-consort, and queen-mother, with a dignity very like that of the present day (1 Kings 2:19; 10:1; 15:13; Esther 1:9; 2:17; Jer. 13:18; 29:2).

“Prince, Princess” From Concise Bible Dictionary:

There are sixteen different Hebrew words so translated. The principal are
1. nasi, “one raised up”; this is translated also “ruler, governor, captain, and chief.” It is applied to “the princes of the congregation”: these would be the heads of families in the various tribes (Josh. 9:15-21).
2. sar, “to bear rule,” hence applied to the head men in the tribes, “chief of the fathers”; and to the satraps in the Persian empire (Esther 1:3-21). In Daniel these same are called achashdarpenayya, “chief governors” (Dan. 3:2-3, 27; Dan. 6:1-7).
Princess is sarah (1 Kings 11:3; Lam. 1:1). The word sar is also employed for the Prince of peace in Isaiah 9:6, and for Michael the archangel, and for the prince of Persia who opposed him, and for the prince of Grecia (Dan. 10:13-21).

“Queen of Heaven” From Concise Bible Dictionary:


Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:

feminine of 8269; a mistress, i.e. female noble
KJV Usage:
lady, princess, queen