Meditations on the Acts of the Apostles: Chapter 16

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 16min
Acts 16  •  15 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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Translated From the Italian of J.N.D.
Now from the beginning of chap. 16 down to the end of chap. 20 we have the public ministry of Paul among the Gentiles during many year when he has commenced his apostolic ministry, (as under the grace and direction of the Lord, head of the work) having undertaken it, it being laid upon his heart by the power of the Holy Ghost, and taking with him first of all Silas, and afterward other co-laborers—but always to help him—in a work, in which by the authority of the Lord and led of the Spirit, he held the first place; the activity, the direction, and the movement proceeded from him, the others who accompanied him, being only co-laborers and being under his direction; but he stands alone now as apostle of the Gentiles (Rom. 11:13; Eph. 3; Rom. 1:13,15; Gal. 2:7,8).
We have seen that now Barnabas has separated himself. Paul (1 Cor. 3) as a wise masterbuilder has laid the foundation; others worked independently, as Barnabas, Apollos, etc. But Paul had the revelation of the mystery of the Church, and the administration of the economy among the Gentiles to found and set in order everything (1 Cor. 16:1;7. 17; and many other passages). Timothy, and Titus, and Silas, and many others named in his epistles, labored under his direction, and he sent them wherever the exigencies of the work required. He had already taken with him Silas, and now, having returned to Lystra and Derbe, he chooses Timothy to whom the brethren bore a good testimony.
It appears that Paul laid his hands upon him (2 Tim. 1:6), the young man having been marked out by prophecy, as he had been himself; then the testimony of the elders was added, and they also laid on their hands (1 Tim. 4:14).
It is possible that Paul may have laid his hands upon him when he visited Derbe on his first journey*. That, however, is not said; at the same time, it was known by the brethren of Lystra and of Iconium, as also at Derbe; prophecy had marked him out; and the testimony of all, manifested by the laying on of the hands of the elders, confirmed it. Paul conferred on him the gift of the Spirit (2 Tim. 1:6,7) by the laying on of his hands, although it may not be said openly when.
It is quite possible that he might have been active already in that locality, but he was specially gifted for the present work by that imposition of hands of the apostle.
There yet remains a special fact to remark upon. Confusion had entered into the practical life of the Jews, as among the Christians. The mother of Timothy was a Jewess, his father a Greek; a thing unlawful among the Jews. His mother was pious; it is not said if it was before his conversion or after; also his grandmother was so (2 Tim. 1). Now such a marriage was totally contrary to the custom of the Jews (see Neh. 13:23-31; Ezra 9:10). According to these books, the sons and daughters were heathen, and ought to be rejected, and sent away, as well as the wife. It was a disorder. Paul availing himself, not of the law, but of the privileges of grace, and thinking of the Jews, of whom there were many in those regions, circumcises Timothy. This was not according to Judaism; on the contrary, it was against its order, but he took away what would have been a stumbling-block for the Israelites. It was pleasing to the Jews; he did it to gain them; in a word, it was not a legal act, quite the contrary. It was an act of superiority to the law. The Jews all knew that his father was a Greek; and the position of Timothy, his mother being a Jewess, was scandalous for them, and the apostle takes away the scandal. The hearts of the Jews would find themselves contented; and they would have had something to say if the son of a Greek, by whom his mother had been rendered impure, had presented to them the Gospel. It was an arbitrary act, but the scandal was taken away, and he went against the prejudices of his people. But when the Jews wished to force him to circumcise Titus be yielded to them not even for a moment (Gal. 2:3-5).
At the same time, as they passed “through the cities they delivered the decrees of the apostles and the elders for to keep;” a perpetual testimony, if the Christian Jews should wish to put their brethren from among the Gentiles, under the law of Moses, that they acted against the thoughts and authority of the apostles and of the elders, of those whom the Lord had established for Christ by the Holy Ghost, who in the Jewish Church itself were as an authority. That the Judaizers were not in any way authorized by the chief men gives a source of joy to the Gentile brethren thus established in the faith.
And remark how the Christian faith is now spread throughout all the regions where Paul prosecuted his labors; and the number of those gathered together increased daily. Now we follow his labors in other countries and regions.
Here we find another precious truth: the perpetual direction of God by the way, be it directly by the Spirit, or be it by other intimations. Paul was sent to preach the Gospel to the entire creation under heaven; but that field is large, and so he labors under the authority of the Lord, the Son, who is over the house of God; as also He was announced as Lord and Saviour to poor sinners. They execute then this mission in Phrygia, and in the regions of Galatia. He had already commenced in. Phrygia on his first journey, but now he enters Galatia, a large province, for the first time. These had suddenly gone astray from the right way, through the means of Judaizing Christians; people who wished, as we have seen, to join the law to Christianity. We possess the epistle written by the faithful care of the apostle to deliver them from their error; an epistle more severe than all, since they had taken a way the divine foundation of righteousness and true holiness; more severe than that to the Corinthians, who had committed nevertheless sins more horrible than the heathen, and had got into deplorable disorder. He says all the good he can to the Corinthians, although he does not spare them as regards their deeds, but reproaches them; and also he did not wish to visit them until they repented. But as to the Galatians he says nothing loving to commence with, but sets himself at once to reproach them, and at the end salutes no one. Troubled in his heart he does not know how to take them (4:20), he would wish to be among them in order to speak according to their wants. His love had not grown weak, but he travailed in birth again of them until Christ was formed in them. We see the power of the love of the blessed apostle. Moses weary, fatigued by the unbelief of the people, asks if he had brought forth all this people that he should carry them as a father. Paul, full of the love of Christ, is contented to do it a second time rather than lose them. He was their father in the faith; so powerful is the love of Christ in the heart!
Having crossed Phrygia and Galatia, the Holy Ghost forbids them to preach in Asia. Later he dwelt about three years in Ephesus, the capital of the province; and all Asia* heard the word of God. Arrived in Mysia they essay to go into Bithynia: but the Spirit of Jesus suffers them not. Having passed by Mysia, they come to Troas. There Paul has a vision in a dream. It was not the open direction of the Spirit: it was left to spiritual intelligence to understand the meaning. A man of Macedonia appeared to him, beseeching him to come and succour them.
As Paul lived in the things of God, he interpreted the vision as his mission, both by the knowledge he had of the thoughts of God, and of the wants of men, and passed over therefore at once into Macedonia.
Perhaps it is not very important, but we may remark here that for the first time we find the writer speak in the first person: “we endeavored,” that is to say, Luke, who has written the facts, becomes now the companion of Paul in his work.
Here the question presents itself, In what manner and to what extent can we expect the direction of God in our work? The answer is analogous to that which we have already given with respect to the intervention of God in order to liberate us from dangers. We cannot expect visible and sensible interventions; but we can expect with certainty the care and direction of God by His Spirit in the heart, if we walk with Him— “To be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding”—to be led by the Spirit if we walk in humility (Rom. 8:14; (Col. 1; see also Psa. 32:8,9). I do not doubt that if we walk with God and look to Him, the Spirit will put in our hearts the special things that He wishes us to do. Only it is important that we keep in memory the Word of God, in order that it may be a guard against all our own imaginations; otherwise, the Christian who lacks humility will do his own will, often taking it for the Holy Ghost. That is but the deceitful folly of his heart: first, that it knows them; secondly, taking it for the Holy Ghost; but I repeat, he who looks with humility to the Lord will be conducted by the Lord in the way; and the Holy Ghost who dwells in him will suggest to him the things which He wishes him to do. “He that is spiritual judgeth all things, and he himself is judged of no one.... We have the mind of Christ” (1 Cor. 2:15,16).
Here then the apostle gathers that the Lord had sent him to Macedonia, and goes there. He stops at Philippi, the principal city of the country and a Roman colony. He commences, as he always does, with the Jews. It appears that there was not a synagogue there. It was the custom of the Jews to have their worship in such a case, as it is still, on the banks of a river. I believe, for the sake of purification. There were but a few women there; Paul contented himself with them, and spoke to them of Christ, and of salvation through Him. There was Lydia, a proselyte who worshipped the true God: she was among these women, had not the knowledge of Christ, but the piety which does not neglect the worship of the Sabbath day, in a far distant country, where it was not the natural occasion to observe it. The blessing is accorded at least to that one in whose heart this faithfulness is found. The Lord opened the heart of Lydia to attend to the things spoken by Paul. She was a Gentile, but brought to the knowledge of the only true God; and she is another example of the difference between conversion and the knowledge of salvation in Christ.
There were many such worshippers—their souls were wearied with the folly and iniquity of paganism, which was insufficient to satisfy the needs of the soul, and through grace they were turned to the only true God known among the Jews, and they frequented the Jewish worship, without being circumcised. They were called religious persons, persons who served God. They listened to the apostle more than the Jews, and were often the occasion of their jealousy: of this class was Lydia. See 17:17; 18:16; where it is said: “and ye which fear God.” They are found without being named, in 7:1 and distinctly v. 43, and also elsewhere.
Lydia is baptized with all her house; and Paul and his companions enter her house and dwell there. It may be said that now the assembly was founded at Philippi.
But the enemy is not satisfied to allow the work to make progress, without doing anything to oppose it.
On the contrary, he works with deceit; he does not assail the work openly. He has the appearance of helping it, certainly not recognizing Christ as Lord, because then he would no longer be Satan (the adversary), but flattering the apostle, in order to be able to mix himself up with the work of the Lord, to accredit himself with this union, and to spoil it at the same time. He acts thus with more finesse in order that Christians may be less wise to refute him, to be supported by the world (and Satan is the prince of it), will appear to be a great help to the progress of the Gospel. The enemy disguises himself, makes himself the friend of the servants of God and of the work; transforms himself into an angel of light. The Gibeonites with deceit made themselves the friends of Israel, and in consequence they were never conquered, as our friends are not conquered. Thus, when the Christian or the assembly, mixes itself with the world, the loss is always on the side of the Christian, because the world in its nature its always with its motives, but the flesh is always in the Christian. He may draw near to the world, but not the world to the Spirit. The testimony, however is lost. Wine mixed with water is no longer pure wine, it has lost its taste. The friendship of the world is enmity against God.
The world seems amiable when it draws near to Christians and their testimony, but it draws near to Christians to spoil their testimony, and to put itself in esteem; but to Christ it cannot draw near.
The spirit of Python can flatter the servants of God in order to gain them; it can speak of God, of the most high God, even of the way of salvation, but not of Christ Lord and Saviour, of the state of sin and guilt in which man is, in which he is lost. That would be to confess that he who says such things is lost. That is quite another story. When the world unites itself to Christians their testimony is lost, and the fault is always that of the Christians. They accept the world, because they have already lost true spirituality, the love of Christ rejected by the world, the love of the holy glory of His cross in which His heavenly glory was exhibited in this world.
But the apostle does not seek to excite the enmity of Satan, he does not accept that testimony, he keeps himself ever separate, neither does he act so as to change it into open opposition. He continues quietly on his way. At last he can no longer bear the voice of the unclean spirit, it being so grievous to his heart that he associated himself with him: he casts him out by the power of the Holy Ghost. Suddenly the enmity of the natural heart under the influence of the world is revealed. And that influence is more fatal for man than the possession of the body and faculties.
The Lord drove out the legion with a word, but the world, frightened by the manifestation of divine power, cast out Jesus from its confines. Similarly here, the demon being cast out, the masters of the damsel, through human motives to which the demon lent himself, seeing that their gain was lost, stirred up a persecution against Paul and Silas.
What the servants of the most high God do, is now of no consequence. Man’s god is money, power and human glory. Satan never wishes that the power of God should be cast out. To be recognized, accredited, to join himself to the excellency of the truth pleases him, because he knows well that true power is with God, and thus that which remains of the truth in effect increases his influence, for that is now only increased, not destroyed. He will speak sufficiently of the truth to deceive Christians if it were possible, in order that such as he is as prince of the world, he may not the less be in light.
The pure light manifests him, and thus is it that Christianity, and Christians, less wise than the apostle, have mixed themselves with the world, and the result is that Christianity lies under the power of Satan. The apostle did not act thus; but now it is quite possible that persecution will arise, and that is what came to pass here. If the enemy cannot accredit himself with the Gospel, he will oppose it.
1. *In chap. 20:4, the reading should be: “and Gaius and Timotheus of Derbe.” Gaius was not of Derbe. The difference is only in the punctuation.
2. * Then it was the name of a province of the Roman Empire.