More of the Psalms

Listen from:
Psalms 8, 14, 16, 18
One day when Jesus went up to Jerusalem, many people were with Him, singing words of a psalm (Psalm 118), in praise to God and to honor Jesus, as One whom God had sent. When they reached the temple, the children still called out there the same words of praise.
The men who were the leaders in the temple were displeased. to hear them. and spoke to Jesus. He answered them with words from the 8th Psalm saying,
“Have ye never read, ‘Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou hast perfected praise?’” Matt, 21:15, 16; also Psa. 8:2.
Those men knew the psalm, as all the Hebrew people were taught the psalms in childhood, but only those who believe in God’s Son like to hear Him praised. The children’s song made the words of the 8th Psalm come true that day, and also true of Christ’s future glory. God is still honored by the songs of even the youngest child who sings of Jesus.
This psalm tells of the rule of the earth given to man; but Adam lost full power because he sinned, and the earth waits for the right ruler. (Genesis 1:26, Hebrews 2:6-9).
In Psalm 14, we learn that
“The Lord looked down from heaven. upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.” But He found “They are all gone aside ... . there is none that doeth good, no not one.” God looks in the heart and can find none pure. But in Psalm 16, a Holy One is spoken of; so there was to be One Who would be holy, and when Jesus was raised from the grave He was proved to be that Holy One (Acts 2:25-32).
The 18th Psalm was written by Davin in thanks to God for keeping him safe while King Saul tried to take his life, for Saul did not want David to be king, David had to hide among rocks and in caves many times to escape from Saul and his soldiers. David knew that it was the Lord who kept him safe, so he says,
“The Lord is my Rock, and my Fortress and my Deliverer,”
Some words used by David are no often used now, as a “buckler”, which was like a shield, only strapped around a soldier’s body to protect him from the enemy’s arrows or spears, and a shield was held in the hand. A “horn” meant power or victory, because horns were the power or weapon of some animals, and horn was used as a trumpet in victory. David said that often he was afraid, but he called on the Lord to save him, and had much praise to sing.
This psalm is given almost the same in 2 Samuel 22.
What same words begin and end the 8th Psalm?
What words of Psalm 14 are repeated in Romans 3:12?
ML 07/07/1940