The Coming One

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
(Mel.—"Spring is Passing."—CLARIBEL.)
THOU art coming, mighty Saviour!
“King of kings" Thy written name;
Thou art coming, royal Saviour
Coming for Thy promised reign.
O the joy, when sin's confusion
Ends beneath Thy righteous sway!
O the peace, when all delusion
At Thy presence dies away!
Thou art coming, loving Saviour!
Coming first to claim Thine own;
Thou art coming, faithful Saviour
Thou would'st not abide alone.
In Thy Father's house in glory,
Sinners sav'd shall dwell with Thee;
O the sweetness of the story,
Love's own record we shall be!
Thou art coming, gracious Saviour I
Ah, to see thy face we long!
Thou art coming, blessed Saviour!
Righting all creation's wrong.
Nation rises against nation,
Trouble spreads from shore to shore;
Thou art God's supreme "Salvation!”
Come! and chaos shall be o'er.
Once thy coming, holy Saviour!
Expiation made for sin;
Wondrous coming, lowly Saviour!
Thou the babe at Bethlehem.
Thine the wisdom, in the manger;
Thine the power, upon the cross;
Thine the glory, as the stranger;
Riches, though in utter loss!
Thou art coming, crowned Saviour!
Not "the second time" for sin;
Thou art coming, throned Saviour!
Bringing all the glory in.
All the Father's house, its glory,
Hangs by sure behest on Thee;
O the sweetness of the story,
Saviour, come, we wait for Thee!
H. K. B.