The Last Days

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Infidelity is increasing. What was infidelity of heart is now open, but it presages the Lord's coming—the falling away first. I think that coming is far more before souls, even where you would not expect it. It seems to have diffused itself, wherever the word has reached. The shape it has taken in my mind is, how it connects itself with every thought and relationship of the Christian in scripture. I never treat it now as a point of knowledge but as a part of Christianity. That, and the presence of the Holy Ghost who dwells in us, form the actual state and standing of the Christian, as redemption is the basis and foundation.
Have you remarked how, in Acts 2, the Lord received the Holy Ghost anew for others when exalted? This is the starting-point of Christianity—was historically and is actually: Man in a wholly new position, consequent on redemption perfectly accomplished, and thence the Holy Ghost come down to connect us with it. This gives the full character of Christianity -a glorified Man in heaven, and the Holy Ghost come down to earth (that is to believers, for the world cannot receive Him) while we wait for Him from heaven to take us actually there. We belong to a new creation, but have the treasure of it in a body that belongs to the old. But the basis of all this is the Man in glory, Son of God, and the sending down of the Holy Ghost received by Him in that position. As to the earthly part of it, see 1 Peter 1:10-13. The Holy Ghost had wrought in creation, in the fathers, in judges, in the prophets; but His coining was consequent on Man being in glory, Son of God, past sin (as borne), death, Satan's power, judgment—having in that glorified God in a way which brought Him as a Man into glory by God's righteousness; and He is therefore ours. It is of deep interest in connection with this—what is said in John 1:33.
The Lord keep you, dear-, keep us both lowly, serving, and single-eyed till He come to take us where God Himself will rest, because all will be fully according to His own heart—the fruit of His purpose and will, and where Christ will be fully glorified.
November, 1878.
Yours affectionately in Him.