The "Message from God."

Saved Soul and Body.
Yes, this is quite true in the case of a dear soldier still thing at―. I will not say the name of the place, as he may not wish it. I had a letter from my friend who has just given him the October number of “A Message from God,” a magazine which he has had monthly for nine years. “He looks out for it and loves it,” for it has been made by God a blessing to his soul, and wonderful to say, he says the “Messages” saved his body when he was wounded in the war, for he made a, little case of mackintosh to keep the “Messages” in, which saved his life when he was wounded, for the sword could not get through the “Messages.” How he blessed the Lord then, and still continues to praise His Holy Name, losing and serving Him with all his heart. Oh, dear readers, do let each one of us keep on blessing and praising Him, that He has brought us to the knowledge of Himself as our Father and our God. Ever remembering His holy word in the last verse of Psalms 50. “Whoso offereth praise glorifieth Me.” Yes, let us be continually offering Praise.
Emily P. Leakey.