The following letter will explain the picture better than I can. We were happy in being able to send parcels to be distributed among these dear men and women.
Kegel Esthonia.
Nov. 20, 1923.
To Dr. Heyman Wreford. Dear Brother in Christ,
I have received several parcels of New Testaments in Russian and English languages. These books have helped me greatly in my work among the lepers, prisoners and other branches of my field of labor. How glad the poor creatures are when they receive a New Testament as their own property, which they never would be able to secure. The Lord has opened the doors for me to the lepers. We have over two hundred of them isolated from the rest of humanity. They live from sixty to ninety in one asylum, and I am their spiritual caretaker and as they call me father. The Lord has blessed this work wondrously. Many souls have been converted, and I have baptized many of them. In one asylum twenty-five percent of them are all converted Christians and baptized. At the same time the prison doors are open for me. I can enter any prison at any time, preach the glorious gospel to them, and give to each one in their own language a New Testament. So many of your sent New Testaments today are read in our prisons by Russians and of those that can read English, and such are not few.
Last Sunday I preached to over eight hundred prisoners, and two days ago again in another town to sixty-six prisoners. I had a singing choir with me, and they rendered a good service to help me in my gospel work. We have now a dear gospeler Brother James Lees, and another fine devoted Norwegian as guests with us. They have been really God-sent messengers, and I can say the Lord has used the dear Scotchman James Lees as an instrument for the conversion of many souls in our country. O! how thankful we are to our heavenly Father for His dear servants. Allow me to express my heartiest thanks for your love in sending the New Testaments and tracts to me and remembering me in your prayers.
I enclose some photos from my large leper family. I remain,
Yours very thankful,
Adam Podin.