"Good to Die by."

Of course, it is the Gospel of Christ that answers to this description. And Dr. J. D. Burrell, the well-known American minister, suggests that there is no more convincing evidence of the power of the Gospel than that afforded by the dying words of those who have experienced the new life in Christ. Here are some such words: ―
Richard Baxter: “I have pain, but I have peace.”
Edward Payson: “The battle is fought, the victory won.”
John Wesley: “The best of all is Immanuel, God is with us.”
Charles Wesley: “I shall be satisfied when I awake in Thy likeness.”
The Mother of the Wesleys: “Children, I am going; lift a song of praise.”
Rutherford: “Oh for a well-tuned harp?”
John Fletcher: “I am like a bird escaping from its cage.”
Prince Albert: “Rock of Ages, cleft for me!”
Dr. Cookman: “Halleluiah! I am sweeping through the gates!”
Mrs. Hemans “I hear the music of His voice.”
Lady Huntingdon: “I am going to my Father tonight.”
Philip Melanchthon: “Nothing now but heaven.”
John Bradford, to his fellow-martyr: “Be of good comfort; we shall sup with Christ tonight.”
Edward Perronet, author of All hail the power of Jesu’s name”: “Glory to God in the height of His divinity!
Glory to God in the depth of His humanity! Glory to God in all His sufficiency! Into His hands I commit my spirit.”
It would thus appear (adds Dr. Burrell) that ours is a good religion to die by, as well as to live by. God be praised for it!