The Sabbath of the Old Testament

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 12
Gen. 2:2, 3.—First mentioned.
Ex. 16:5, 22, 30.—Given as a gift in grace to the people while under grace before the law.
Ex. 20:8.—Given as a commandment among the ten; this however associated with the rest of creation, as the whole system was.
Ex. 31:12, 17.—Given at the close of the order of the setting up of the sanctuary, as a sign of the covenant established by priesthood, in the mercy-seat a perpetual covenant.
Ex. 34:21.—Given as part of the covenant founded on supremacy and intercession after breach of the law-covenant in connection with their portion in the land by that covenant.
Ex. 35:2.—So imposed in connection with the setting up of the Tabernacle thereon.
Lev. 19:3, 30.—The comeliness of their association one with another and with God in the land—all that became them as a nation liable to sin, but consecrated to God there.
Lev. 23:3.—Prescribed as the characteristic beginning and sum of all the feasts in which they were called to appear before the Lord in pledge of rest.
Lev. 24:8.—The show bread was to be ordered from sabbath to sabbath.
Num. 15:32.—Expressed as an obligation during their journey which this book traces the principle of in the wilderness.
Deut. 5:12.—Ordained in connection with Creation rest, but as a memorial given as a remembrance of the grace of deliverance from Egypt, and thus of rest afforded to servants.
Neh. 9:14.—Remembered as made known to Israel as their special privilege.
Isa. 58:13.—Prophecy looks at it as understood as a privilege in grace—my sabbath.
Ezek. 20:12.—Given as a sign between God and them—His sabbaths.