
 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 11
Is an abomination. Jer. 7:9, 10.
Forbidden. Ex. 20:15, with Mar. 10:19. Rom. 13:9.
From the poor specially forbidden. Prov. 22:22.
Includes fraud in general. Lev. 19:13.
Includes fraud concerning wages. Lev. 19:13. Mal. 3:5. James 5:4.
Proceeds from the heart. Matt. 15:19.
Defiles a man. Matt. 15:20.
Addicted to. Psa. 119:61.
Store up the fruits of. Amos 3:10.
Lie in wait to commit. Hos. 6:9.
Commit, under shelter of the night. Job 24:14. Oba. 5.
Consent to those who commit. Psa. 50:18.
Associate with those who commit. Isa. 1:23.
May, for a season, prosper in. Job 12:6.
Plead excuses for. Jer. 7:9, 10.
Repent not of. Rev. 9:21.
Destroy themselves by. Prov. 21:7.
Connected with murder. Jer. 7:9. Hos. 4:2.
Shame follows the detection of. Jer. 2:26.
Brings a curse on those who commit it. Hos. 4:2, 3. Zech. 5:3, 4. Mal. 3:5.
Brings the wrath of God upon those who commit it. Ezek. 22:29, 31.
Excludes from heaven. 1 Cor. 6:10.
Hate their own souls. Prov. 29:24.
Shall be reproved of God. Psa. 50:18, 21.
Mosaic law respecting. Ex. 22:18.
Warned against. Eph. 4:28. 1 Peter 4:15.
All earthly treasure exposed to. Matt. 6:19.
Heavenly treasure secure from. Matt. 6:20. Luke 12:33.
Woe denounced against. Isa. 10:2. Nah. 3:1.
Illustrates the guilt of false teachers. Jer. 23:30. John 10:1, 8, 10.
Exemplified. Rachel, Gen. 31:19. Achan, Josh. 7:21. Shechemites, Judg. 9:25. Micah, Judg. 17:2.