Truth to Be Possessed Practically

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Dearest brother-,
Thanks for your letter; I rejoice much at the news from Como, and I hope that the dear brethren will continue to make progress, and always desire to learn the truth. In order to enjoy it really, the Holy Spirit must teach us. The difference is very soon seen between a truth received in the heart and in the conscience, and a truth known only in the understanding. The heart becomes tender, the will is broken, and Christ finds His true place in the heart; the heart is subject to the word; there is gentleness, and the spiritual affections increase. But as to yourself, patience is what is needed; we are servants of the Lord, and of all, for the love of Him.... I enclose another article on Mark 1 am at a conference in Edinburgh, and I have not much time. There are open doors, and I have had good meetings everywhere. At Carlisle the Lord has given great blessing, but it is the same everywhere. We have had evident blessing in our conference here in Edinburgh.
Your affectionate brother.
October, 1873.