“See that ye walk circumspectly [watchfully, discreetly], not as fools but as wise” (Eph. 5:15).
In heaven there will be no “Take heed”; there we may give free way to perfect joy: There all is holy, but down here in this life, in the midst of evil, we must take heed we must use wisdom. The man of the world, in order to avoid evil, must be skilled in the knowledge of the evil. The Christian has no need to think about evil; he must be wise without the knowledge of evil, as it is written, “Wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil” (Rom. 16:19), because full, divine knowledge of good in the midst of evil is what Christ gives. What He Himself was here contains no familiar acquaintance with evil. The child of God ought to possess that spiritual wisdom which is simple as a dove.
J. N. Darby