Walking in the Word: Deuteronomy 6:1-8

Narrator: Ivona Gentwo
Duration: 4min
Deuteronomy 6:1‑8  •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 9
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Deuteronomy 6:1-8
God foreknew that the children of Israel could not get blessing through keeping the law, but now, since the Lord Jesus has borne its curse, He would have us enter into the full liberty of Christian position. We who are saved are not under law, but under grace—blessed deliverance! We now have a new life from God, through new birth, and this life, which is the very life of Christ, delights in obedience (Romans 7:22). The Lord Jesus said to His own, “If ye love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). But here God demanded that the people love Him with all their heart, with all their soul, and with all their might — a thing they could not do unless they were born again. How impossible for the natural man to get blessing under law, but how lovely to be delivered from the principle of law altogether, and to know God revealed in Christ as “the God of all grace,” (1 Peter 5:10). We do, however, learn in these chapters that the path of obedience is always the path of blessing; only, as we have remarked, we need new birth to have the power to obey — or the heart to delight in it.
The Israelites were specially charged to have these words in their own hearts, and to teach them diligently to their children. Our children know where our hearts are, for they see where we really find our enjoyment, and so the example comes first, before our teaching. This is most important. We notice, too, that this teaching was not to be only one day a week, or in a place of meeting, but when sitting at home, when walking on the road or street, at bedtime, and in the morning. Don’t we often neglect this as parents, and fail to show our children that the Word of God not only tells us the way of salvation, but that it should govern our whole pathway, at home, at school, at work, and in everything we do?
Practical Instruction for Walking in the Word
Again the practical side of things is brought before us here, for the children of Israel were reminded, not only to teach the Word of God, but to walk in it. It was to be bound to their hands, so that they would not do anything contrary to it. It was to be as frontlets between their eyes, so that they would not look at things which God had forbidden. How careful we have to be about the pictures we have in our homes, as well as the magazines and other publications that come in, for too often these things put bad ideas into our minds, and our children’s, too — to say nothing of television and the movies with all of their demoralizing effects.
The Word of God was also to be written on the posts of the Israelite’s home. Using this passage, some have put texts outside their homes for others to see, and one can rejoice at their faithfulness in this. At least it is nice to have Scripture texts hanging on our walls for our own encouragement, and also so that others coming in can see them. However I think the important lesson for us is that we are to be known in the community as those who walk according to the Word. Even children can learn to play as Christians, always being fair in what they do, and considerate of others. The Bible says “be courteous,” (1 Peter 3:8), and yet sometimes this Christian grace is forgotten. Let us learn to speak to our friends about the Lord and not mix freely with those who do not want to hear of Him. Boys and girls who want to please the Lord have to be very careful who they have for companions—certainly it should not be those who use bad language or say wicked things.
Further Meditations
1. What are some of the practical instructions given to Israel to help them walk in the Word of God?
2. What are some practical ways that people in the community can know that we love the Lord Jesus? How can it be done with both words and actions?
3. One way of presenting truth to the world around is to spread the gospel. The Great Commission by C. H. Mackintosh is a real encouragement to any evangelist.