What I Have Seen

I have seen the light of heaven on many a brow where the death-dew lay. I have seen it in many an eye that was getting dimmed to earthly sights. I have heard the ecstatic joy of the redeemed souls within sight of heaven; they have waved their hands, their dying hands, to the angels coming out to meet them from celestial shores; they have seen the Lord, and wept for joy at the glory of that sight. The unutterable rapture of perfect peace has fallen upon them as the very shadow of God; and when they left us, we knew we should find them again amid the angels of God in heaven. Let me tell you of one who died with a smile on his face:
“A Smile on his Face”
God’s wonderful power in keeping aright the hearts of His servants, even amid the horrors of war, is shown in the following incident just to hand. Bandsman Robert Collingbourne, of Winton, Bournemouth, was in the fighting of the eventful March 21St. His chum, writing to Bob’s widowed mother, says of him, “He was the best-loved lad in our platoon; his life was transparent. We fought that day side by side, and as we entered the battle he sang:
“‘Every step of the way, dear Lord,
Every step of the way!
For Thou art mine and I am Thine,
Yes, every step of the way!’
“A piece of shrapnel pierced his heart, and before I could get close to him he had passed from the roar of the guns into the presence of his King. There was a smile upon his face.”
And now let me tell you of one who missed his last chance, and pray God that may never be you: