A young man was pressed by his friends to attend some special mission services. As an excuse for not doing so he said he had to go to New York. When he reached the city it was in the midst of a tremendous snow-storm, when the snow fell to a depth of twelve feet. For hours he toiled stumbling through the snow, and when at last he reached his hotel he was in a state of collapse. A doctor who was called to see him, after examining him, said, “Have you a mother?” “Yes, and a wife.” “Where do they live?”
“In New Jersey.” “I’ll send for them.” He looked at the doctor, and said, “You don’t think it’s as bad as that?” “Yes, they must come quickly, you have pneumonia.” He turned his face to the wall, and cried, “I have missed it! I have missed it!” The doctor said, “What do you mean?”
He replied, “I had nothing to bring me here. I merely came to get away from the meetings, and judgment has followed me.” His wife and mother hurried to the bedside, but all he could whisper was, “I have missed it.” The lamp of life flickered, and as it was going out he gasped, “I have missed it! I―have―” and was no more.
What an awful thing to die in your sins-to die without Christ, or any hope of heaven. God deliver you from a death like that. And yet God wants to save you-I am as sure of that as I am of my own existence―God wants to save you.