The Diary of a Soul

By the Editor
German militarism, and German Higher Criticism, and so-called Kultur, have wrought the most fearful havoc on the bodies and the souls of men. It will take generations to restore the material damage done to countries that have been over-run and despoiled; it is beyond the power of man to bring back the dead to re-people the desolated homes. The soul-damage that has resulted from the blasphemy of German Higher Criticism, God alone knows. We can see its effects in the undermining of the beliefs of the various sects of Christendom. The faith of men shaken as to the Inspiration of the Scriptures, and all the great truths that they contain. German Kultur has thrown every moral precept to the winds; has taught the world what the devils think in hell, and has opened all the floodgates of human sin to deluge the world with unparalleled iniquity.
We do not know what we owe to God as a nation for deliverance from this awful foe to God and civilization. We ought upon our knees to express our gratitude day by day. We ought to seek to win for Christ thousands of the brave men on land and sea, who have fought so bravely for us.
Do not let us close our work among them because the War is over. Help us still to send forth the Word of God, and you will be doubly blessed in your giving.