Our Work for 1919

What is it to be? I cannot find words to express my gratitude to God for raising me up such a host of friends to help me, and all our workers, to send the Word of God to so many thousands of soldiers and sailors. What of these poor broken men you have just been reading about? We can do nothing more for the heroic dead, but we do thank God for what we have been able to do for them. What of the living? What of the men who are still in France and Germany, and on the seas? What of those who are going about our streets maimed for life? This afternoon a letter has come from a Christian worker. In it she says: ―
“What a blessing this awful War is over. Praise God that the soldiers are still asking for the Word of God. Though the earthly war is over, the spiritual warfare is still raging strongly. God bless you more and more abundantly, and grant you health and strength to ‘carry on.’”
I have today sent two parcels to Southern India, six parcels to France, Belgium, and Italy, beside my English parcels. The soldiers are still most eager for Testaments.
A door is opening for us in India, where the Spirit of God is working mightily among the sixty million outcasts of India. The last Gospel invitation is going out, and Christ is coming.
I have had more applications for Testaments from soldiers this week, than for some weeks past. If God means us still to go on with this work He will tell our friends, and they will help us as during the past four years. It is all in the hands of God. We want no work that He cannot own and bless. He has been manifestly with us all the four fateful years that are gone. I shall be glad to hear from Christians about future work. In my new magazine, “Fruitful Fields,” I am speaking about God’s work all over the world. Will my Christian friends write to me for a copy of this magazine? I want it circulated among the Lord’s people. I ask your prayers for strength for myself and my dear helpers for this year. I ask for guidance in service. I am longing to “carry on,” if it is God’s will. Pray that we may all be guided.
Yours for Christ’s sake,
Heyman Wreford.