Pte. J. H. Ong, 49th Field Ambulance

I have had many letters from this dear servant of God, and have sent him many parcels. He has been a faithful distributor of God’s Word, and God has blessed him much. The last parcel I sent to him came back again, and on it was written “Deceased.” God had taken His dear servant home. I have heard no particulars of his death. I should be glad if any of his comrades should read this, and be able to give them me; I should be so thankful. This is a photo of the label of the last parcel we sent to him, as it appeared when it was returned to us. The following is a letter he sent to me from the Front: —
Pte. J. H. Ong, 49th Field Ambulance, B.E.F., writes:—
Dear Dr. Wreford, “I was much pleased by the quick response to my appeal for the Gospel literature and Testaments. You will be pleased to know that the whole of them were widely distributed among the men up the line, in various parts where our aid-posts lay, in going backwards and forwards as our duties in stretcher-bearing takes us. It gave one much joy to see how the boys were eager to have them.
“One place where some machine gunners were in a dug-out, about twelve of them, at my suggestion of holding a little service among them, they heartily assented to it. We had a real blessed time, and in spite of all outward circumstances―the noise of guns, and shells, and bullets whizzing outside―we lifted up our hearts to God in prayer, and meditation on His Word The hymns also spoke so real to us as we lifted up our praises― “Rock of Ages” and “Jesus, Lover of my soul”— and then closing with that beautiful hymn, suitable and in accordance with the earnest appeal to the men to come to Christ and accept Him as their own personal Saviour, “Just as I am, without one plea.” The power of the Holy Spirit was in our midst as I asked them all to do what the words of the hymn said, and in the most touching way they all expressed to me how glad they were that someone had come, and they had had that beautiful and happy time of worship. To those who had no Testaments I was enabled, by your kind gift, to give to such, and also some helpful Gospel tracts that you sent also. The next night some signalers, hearing our hymns, also desired a helpful service, and Christ again was preached, by tract, hymn, and word from the Master. I was led to tell them of my conversion, and gave the men my testimony of the saving and keeping power of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. I also supplied a New Testament, to those that needed one, from you. And so in various ways the seed has been scattered, and the Word of Life given to those who constantly are exposed to dangers. I send my warmest thanks to you, and my deep appreciation for the quickness with which you sent them to me, and pray God to bless you in your labor of love for Him, and richly bless the Word scattered, and give the gracious increase upon it that our Lord and Saviour may see of the travail of His soul, and be satisfied in men turning to Him. With warm, Christian love, hoping that you are better in health than you have been. From your humble servant in the Lord, Pte. J. H. Ong,”
Would anything but Christ and His salvation have appealed to those men face to face with death?
I give my friends also the contents of his last letter, showing the true, brave spirit of this servant of God:
Private Ong’s Last Letter to me
49th Field Ambulance, B. E. F.,
August 7th 1918
Dear Dr. Wreford,
“Many thanks for the parcel of Gospel literature and Testaments received. The Lord is with us and blessing them much. I have seen many carefully reading them, and could they read anything better... the simple, straight, telling way the Gospel is told. Could you send me another parcel? I like to give them up the line where most of the men go, and there is no other means available of bringing Christ to my comrades. My prayers are with you, and God bless you. I am not at present with French troops, but will let you know when I do get among them again, A comrade in my ‘bivvy’ gave himself to Jesus Christ, and three men at a little open-air service last Sunday knelt down and repeated: ―
‘Just as I am, without one plea,.
But that Thy blood was shed for me;
And that Thou bid’st me come to Thee.
O Lamb of God I come,’
at our Gospel meeting held just behind the lines. Though there is much to make one sad because so many are not ready if He should come, or call for them, yet signs are not wanting that God is blessing the means put forth, and your literature is widely distributed and many have received New Testaments, but still I find many without them.
“My heart is full, Doctor, to you, and I know not how to thank you for the generous and liberal way you supply me.
“With much gratitude and good wishes,
“Yours in Christ,”
(Pte.) J. C. ONG.”
I sent him all the parcels he wanted, and I am only too glad to send to any Christian worker who is willing to distribute the Word of God to those who need salvation.